1 IT Skill Standard and HEDSPI Curriculum Chief Advisor Gouba
2 Reference materials 1. HEDSPI Curriculum V.3. 1 1. IPA( Information Technology Promotion Agency, Japan ) 2. VITEC Reference Web
3 Standard clarifies skills and ability necessary for various IT industries and formulates the system. Standard can be applied to education and training in universities and IT industries for IT service and professional human resource. What is IT Skill Standard (ITSS) Software is the heart of life line systems which is inevitable for society such as financial sector, transportation system, shipment system, medical system, electricity system etc… At the same time, system trouble could cause huge damage on current society. Therefore, keeping safe and reliable system became one of the most important task in modern world. Innovation has to be taken place in software field which will need seeking and training of high-skilled IT human resource. ★ Importance of Training for IT Human Resource in IT Industry ★ Standard which would be objective and measurement for IT human resource.
4 Usage of ITSS in IT Industries and Educational Agencies < IT Industries > ① Standard can be measurement for human resource training and can be used to capture the scope of employees’ ability in a company. ② Ability of company can be captured and can be compared to other companies by objective eyes. ③ Standard can be used for decision making for procurement. < Educational Agencies > ① Standard helps to decide direction which skills should be strengthened with objective eyes. ② Challenging FE and AP exam will help to know the achievement and result of education and training.
5 ITSS Career Framework
6 HEDSPI Curriculum V.3.0 Targeted Specialist in HEDSPI Curriculum – 「 IT Specialist 」 – 「 Application Specialist 」 HEDSPI Curriculum V.3.0 Placement of ITSS related subjects < 3 rd year Summer Course : 6 th semester > –ITSS Java Programming –ITSS Linux System and Network –ITSS Software Development < 4 th year Summer Course : 8 th semester > - ITSS Embedded Linux - ITSS Project Management for Embedded System Necessary communication for ITSS –IT Japanese –ITSS Internship 6
7 IT Specialist Course Goal –Applying specialist knowledge regarding hardware and software, the IT Specialist in ITSS designs, constructs, and installs the optimum system infrastructure for the client’s environment. Bears responsibility for requirements of the constructed system infrastructure not tied to functionality; these include items such as efficiency, recoverability and availability. Position in ITSS Framework 7
8 ●Platform Design, develop and install System Platform which is a base for solution. Meaning here by platform are hardware, operating system and related system software and middle ware that all are base systems for system development and application development. ●Network Design and develop formulation component for network, network connection, capacity and trouble avoidance. ●Database Design, develop and install data base logic, physical model, and repairing management system. ●Common foundation for Application Design and install software architecture, flame work and common library. Also, implement administration of library and administration of software quality, make decision for necessary environment, develop application development tool and installation. ●System Administration Design, develop and install system implementation and administration including hardware, software and application. ●Security Design, develop and install security function and necessary component for security both inside and outside of company. Necessary Skills and Knowledge for IT Specialist
9 Skill Area of the IT Specialist Course Specialty FieldSkill ItemCorresponding Specialized Subject Career Common Skill Item All Specialty Field TechnologyIntroduction to ICT Computer System, Platform Technology, System Administration Technology, Database Technology, Network Technology, Programming Languages, Internet Technology, System Development, etc. Computer Literacy Computer Ethics ITSS Java Programming C Programming Language C Programming (Introduction) C Programming (Basic) C Programming (Advanced) Electronics Electrical Engineering DesignLogic Circuit Software Engineering Analytical of Business ApplicationsSoftware Engineering Utilization of Consulting TechniquesOperating Systems Knowledge Management & utilizationCompiler Construction Project ManagementComputer Network Leadership Communication Experiment ICT1~ICT6 Negotiation Specialty Field Specific Skill Item PlatformConstruction of System PlatformsComputer Architecture Computer System ITSS Linux System and Network Management System ManagementConstruction of Functions for System Operation Management Web Information System System Program DatabaseDatabase ConstructionData Structures and Algorithms Database NetworkNetwork ConstructionInformation Theory Multimedia Communication Internetworking Network Software Architecture ITSS Linux System and Network Management Distributed ComputingConstruction of Distributed Computing SystemsDistributed System SecurityConstruction of Security FunctionsInformation Security Network Security
10 Application Specialist Course Goal –Applying specialist knowledge regarding industry-specific practices, general business practices and application development, the Application Specialist designs, develops, constructs, installs, tests and maintains applications that solve issues which arise during the course of business. Bears responsibility for the quality of the constructed application in areas such as functionality, recoverability, and ease of use. From the aspect of IT investment, the main activity areas are Development (Component Design (Application), Solution Construction (Development, Implementation)) and Operation, as well as Maintenance (Solution Operation (Application), Solution Maintenance (Application). Position in ITSS Framework
11 Necessary Skills and Knowledge for Application Specialist ●Business System Analyze needs related to business from user and conduct design, development, management and maintenance. < Development > ・ Analyze and design application component ・ Develop, install and examine application components. < Management and Maintenance > ・ Management of application component ・ Maintenance of application component ●Business Package Based on deep understanding of function and portability of applied Business Package, AS understands business needs from user and implement customizing, adding function, installation and maintenance < Development > ・ Analyze detail fit & gap ・ Customizing with requested spec ・ Develop additional function < Management and Maintenance > ・ Management of Package Component ・ Maintenance of Package Component
12 Skill Area of the Application Specialist Course 12 Specialty Field Skill ItemCorresponding Specialized Subject Care er Com mon Skill Item All Specialty FieldAnalytical of Business Applications Enterprise Requirements Analysis, Technology Requirements Analysis, Platform Requirements Definition, System Value Verification, General Enterprise Topics, New Trends in the Area of General Enterprise, etc. Introduction to ICT Computer Literacy Computer Ethics ITSS Java Programming C Programming Language C Programming (Introduction) C Programming (Basic) C Programming (Advanced) Operating Systems Compiler Construction Computer Network Object Oriented Language and Theory Software Engineering Structured Programming Experiment ICT1 ~ ICT6 Technology Design Software Engineering Design Methodology, Development Methodology, Programming Science, Testing Techniques, Reuse Methodology, Review, Exterior Design, Interior Design, Object Orientation Development, Program Design, Application of Verification Techniques, etc. Utilization of Consulting Techniques Knowledge Management and Utilization Project Management Management of Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communication, and Procurement. Leadership Communication Negotiation Spec ialty Fiel d Spec ific Skill Item Application SystemsConstruction of General-Purpose Application Systems Construction of Specific Industry Application Systems Computer Architecture Web Information System Human Interface Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Engineering Management of Software Development Realtime System ITSS Software Development Application PackagesConstruction of Application Systems Utilizing Business Application Package Data Structures and Algorithms Database Data Modeling Internetworking Network Software Architecture Structured Programming
13 ITSS Model Curriculum by IPA and HEDSPI subjects IT Introduction 1IT Introduction 2 Personal Skill Introduction Application Development Basic 1 Personal Skill Basic IT Engineer Basic 1 Programming Basic 1 IT Engineer Basic 2 Programming Basic 2 Security Basic Network Basic 1 Database Basic Application Development Basic 2 Network Basic 2 Introduction to ICT Computer Literacy C Programming Language C Programming (Introduction) C Programming (Basic) C Programming (Advanced) Computer Ethics Information Theory Data Structure and Algorithms Software EngineeringOperating System Computer Network DatabaseExperiment in ICT 1 (Database) Logic Circuit Experiment in ICT 2 (Logic Circuit) Object Oriented Language and Theory (Java) Compiler Construction Experiment in ICT 3(Compiler Construction) IT Japanese ITSS Internship Computer Architecture Experiment in ICT 4 (Assembly Language) ITSS Software Development ITSS Java Programming Computer System Information Security Data Modeling Web Information System Experiment in ICT 5 (Web Programming) Experiment in ICT 6 (Network Programming) Structured Programming Distributed System Artificial Intelligence Human Interface Multimedia Communication Knowledge Engineering Network Security System Program Realtime System Management of Software Development Internetworking Network Software Architecture ITSS Embedded Linux ITSS Project Management for Embedded System ETSS ITSS Linux System and Network Management Common Subject IS Subject AS Subject
14 ITSS Level Interpretation Level 1 –One can proceed requested work under instruction from someone else. Level 2 –One can proceed at least one part of requested work by oneself. Level 3 –One can proceed all requested work by oneself. Level 4 –One possess experience and knowledge that can fulfill request and can apply them to extended task inside company. Level 5 –One approved as professional from everyone inside a company who has experience and proven record. Level 6 –One approved as professional not only inside but also from related industries as the one who obtains experience and proven record. Level 7 –One who is approved by whole industries as a person who has experiences and proven record to lead development of services and industries.
15 Toward ITSS Level 3 Level 2 –Knowledge and Skill are covered by HEDSPI curriculum. FE ( Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination) Level 3 (IT Specialist, Application Specialist) –Requires an experience of a level 3 complexity project as a team member. –ITSS Internship and ITSS Summer course help to achieve this skill. AP ( Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination)