What is a Programme Rep? Quite simply a Programme Reps job is to represent their fellow course mates. Their job is to find out whether students on their programme are happy with the teaching and the support from staff. Where there are issues or areas for improvements it is the Programme Reps job to make sure that these concerns are voiced.
What is expected of a Programme Rep? Being a Programme Rep does take time and dedication but only as much as you are able to give. The role of the Programme Rep is to gather feedback from other students on their programme. As a Programme Rep, you are expected to attend Programme Board and Student-Staff Liaison meetings and represent student views. You should also be reporting back to students on what happened with their feedback.
Why should you consider running to be a Programme Rep? Being a Programme Rep is a fantastic opportunity to make sure your course is of the highest quality and standards. You can be the change agent for your fellow students. Track your involvement and with the Rep Development Scheme to boost your CV. Receive a Programme Rep Hoodie after training.
Bulk up your CV by learning the following skills: Confidence and InitiativeCommunication NegotiationTeamwork Working in PartnershipAssertiveness PlanningProblem solving OrganisationTime management