The locus of points equidistant from 2 points…The perpendicular bisector of the line joining the 2 points. A B Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
The locus of points equidistant from 2 lines – bisector of an angle. Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
Construct an accurate 600 angle. You must keep the compass setting the same. Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
Construct an accurate 900 angle from a specific point. Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
T National curriculum reference: S3e Date: November 1998 Paper: 3 ----------------------------------------- A treasure chest is buried on an island. P and Q are two trees on this island. The treasure chest is buried the same distance from P as it is from Q. (a) On the diagram, draw accurately the locus of points which are the same distance from P as they are from Q. On the diagram, 1 centimetre represents 5 metres. The treasure chest is buried 20 metres from P. (2 marks) (b) On the diagram, draw accurately the locus which represents all the points which are 20 metres from P. (2 marks) (c) Find the point where the treasure chest is buried. On the diagram, mark the point clearly with a T. (1 mark) [5] T Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
National curriculum reference: S3e Date: June 1998 Paper: 3 ----------------------------------------- The diagram shows two points P and Q. On the diagram shade the region which contains all the points that satisfy both the following the distance from P is less than 3 cm, the distance from P is greater than the distance from Q. (3 marks) [3] Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
National curriculum reference: S3e Date: June 1999 Paper: 5 ----------------------------------------- Draw the locus of all points which are 3 cm away from the line AB. (3 marks) Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
National curriculum reference: S3e Date: June 1996 Paper: 3 ----------------------------------------- P and Q are two points marked on the grid. Construct accurately the locus of all points that are equidistant from P and Q. [2] Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
M ----------------------------------------- National curriculum reference: S3e Date: June 1997 Paper: 6 The scale diagram shows the position of a radio mast, M. 1 cm on the diagram represents 20 km. M Signals from the radio mast can be received up to a distance of 100 km. (a) Shade the region on the scale diagram in which signals from the radio mast can be received. The distance of a helicopter from the radio mast is 70 km correct to the nearest kilometre. (b) Write down i) the maximum distance the helicopter could be from the radio mast, ii) the minimum distance the helicopter could be from the radio mast. [4 Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
Worksheet 1 Date: November 1998 Paper: 3 Date: June 1998 Paper: 3 Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
Date: June 1999 Paper: 5 Worksheet 2 Great Marlow School Mathematics Department
M Worksheet 3 Date: June 1996 Paper 3 Date: June 1997 Paper: 6 Great Marlow School Mathematics Department