Respect your home!
Set positive goals and strive to achieve them…
Stand up for yourself and what you believe in…
Have confidence in your abilities…
Be honest with yourself and others…
Choose friends who make healthy choices and share your dream of a bright future…
Use good judgment and make wise decisions…think about the consequences of your actions….
Take care of your body and your mind so you can be your best…
Slide 2: love-ignite-true-passion-within-yourself/ love-ignite-true-passion-within-yourself/ Slide 3: love-yourself-without-wedding.html love-yourself-without-wedding.html Slide 4: tuesdays-love-yourself.html tuesdays-love-yourself.html Slide 5: yourself-2/ yourself-2/ Slide 6: Slide 7: Slide 8: up-some-respect/ up-some-respect/ Slide 9: Slide 10:
Slide 11: direction=n&uni nextdate=7%2F6%2F %3A20%3A49.607 direction=n&uni nextdate=7%2F6%2F %3A20%3A Slide 12: respecting-yourself/ respecting-yourself/ Slide 13: Slide 14: Slide 15: Slide 16: Slide 17: Slide 18: you-to-respect-someone-else/question /?page=2&link=ibaf&q=respect+others&imgurl= _f260.jpghttp:// you-to-respect-someone-else/question /?page=2&link=ibaf&q=respect+others&imgurl= _f260.jpg Slide 19: Slide 20:
Slide 21: Slide 22: quotes/If-you-want-to-be-respected-you-must-respect-yourself/ quotes/If-you-want-to-be-respected-you-must-respect-yourself/ Slide 23a: Slide 23b: choice/ choice/ Slide 24a: any-goal-you-desirehttp:// any-goal-you-desire Slide 24b: march-2011.htmlhttp:// march-2011.html Slide 25: Slide 26: Slide 27: Slide 28: Slide 29: yourself-first.html yourself-first.html Slide 30: yourself.html yourself.html
Slide 31: Slide 32: drugs-sticker-on-a-roll-item-rrs-44http:// drugs-sticker-on-a-roll-item-rrs-44 Slide 33: Slide 34: Slide 35: monday-teens-and-lying/ monday-teens-and-lying/ Slide 36: Slide 37: respect-yourself.htmlhttp:// respect-yourself.html Slide 38: Slide 39: Slide 40: Slide 41: http:// Slide 42: Slide 43: