Is this greed? Is greed just about money?
What do you think? You can never have too much money Everyone should have to give a percentage of their wage to charity Money can make you happy
Imagine you have won £1million on the lottery. What would you do with it? Read the news articles on lottery winners; would you do the same? "Bart, with $10000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like... love!"
To enquire into the concept of Greed What does it mean to be greedy? What is Gandhi talking about here?
Should people give money? Each group will be given cards with the names and famous of various celebrities on them. Put them in order of who you think was the most charitable celebrity in 2014 – who donated the most money to charity? Answers will be revealed on the next slide!
Charitable Celebrities 2014 Every year celebrities donate money to various charities and organisation. One of the most popular is ‘’ (one of the largest organisations for young people and social change). Each year they produce a list showing the most charitable celebrities on their site but who were in the top 10 last year? Using your cards decide who you think was in the list and then see if you can put them in order of most charitable.
What do Christians believe about giving money? Watch the following clip on Christian Aid and think about why a Christian may feel it is important to not be greedy and to help those in need. Be ready to answer these two questions when the clip has finished: What sort of work does Christian Aid do? Why do Christian Aid believe we should help those in need?
What did Jesus say about money? ‘For the love of money is the root of all evil’ ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven’ What do you think these quotes mean?
What did Jesus say about money? ‘For the love of money is the root of all evil’ If you love money too much it can cause you, and others, many problems. ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven’ In the same way that it would be impossible for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle – it is impossible for those who are too selfish and greedy to get to heaven. You should share what you can.
A Christian Response to poverty and-christianity and-christianity Watch this clip to find out more about Christian beliefs and responses to using money.
Evaluate: Jesus taught that being greedy and selfish with your money was wrong. The vicar in the clip suggests that people should be more generous with their money. - Do you think this is relevant in today’s society? - Should people be generous with their money? Is this possible? VOTE: People who earn a lot of money should regularly give money to charity.