Your group has to design and build a boat that will be powered a distance of 12ft. Each boat is released at the same time, to race the 12ft distance.
We have to design & build a fast boat.
The maximum length your boat can be is 40cm, and the minimum length is 20cm. Also minimum of 8cm wide. You can’t use AC or DC power. The boat has to move under it’s own power.
InformationSourceComments Pop Pop Boat Kta8g14 Rubber Band Boat m6JY0pt0 Balloon Powered Boat WDp-KjWY Steam Powered Boat TC55aF-A Pop Pop Boat AovTCPg Rubber Band boat BOLLcpwA
- This pop pop boat is the one we like the best! We are really thinking of using it! It has great speed and keeps straight -This rubber band boat is also one of our favorites it is fast & also goes straight. The Balloon powered boat is not as fast and goes all over the place. But the way it works it is really cool!
Step 1- Design an outline of your boat. Step 2: Gather all materials. Step 3: Put on your safety goggles. Step 4: Cut out your milk or juice carton to the shape of a boat Step 5: Cut the top and bottom of the coke can Step 6: Cut the coke can to make it 6 cm wide and 18 cm long. Step 7: Then fold the rectangle in half. Step 8: Mark out a 1cm line around one half of the can. Step 9: Cut out the 1 cm line that's on one side of the rectangle Step 10: Take a piece of sticky tack and roll it into a long string with ½ cm fat. Step 11: Now outline the 2 edges of the rectangle that we cut 1 cm off. Step 12: Now fold the rectangle in half and push hard on it to make sure it sticks. Step 13: Now seal it with more sticky tack. Step 14: Fold over the tabs and seal it with pliers. Step 15: Take scissors and cut off the extra access tabs. But there should be one long tab left along the bottom. Materials: -coke can (boiler) -2 tea candles - 1 L milk carton (Structure) - glue gun or sticky tack - 2 straws --Stapler 4
Step 16: Roll out some sticky tack about 1 cm wide and wrap it around one straw then followed by another. Step 17: Make sure the 2 straws are sealed well together. Step 18: Open the end of the boiler and push in the 2 straws, then add more sticky tack to the opening of the boiler. Step 19: Take scissors and cut the bottom tab beside each straw. Step 20: Fold the 2 tabs over & squeeze to make a nice seal. Step 21: Boiler is now complete!! Step 22: Get a tub of water put your boiler in it blow into the 2 straws to see if there is any bubbles. If there is bubble you need to seal it somewhere. Step 23: Take your milk carton draw a line down the middle and cut it in half. Step 24: To make your cabin inside take the other half of the carton and cut the bottom off that. Step 25: Cut a small hole in the bottom of the boat & stick the 2 straws down in it. Step 26: The hole should be half way up the carton and in the middle. Step 27: Put a thin layer of sticky tack around the hole on the bottom of the boat. Step 28: Take your boiler and stick the straws through the hole in the bottom of the boat. Step 29: Fix the straws firmly in place with clear tape. Step 30: Then cut the straws off the back of the boat. Step 31: Using a stapler put the cabin in place.
Step 32: Make sure the sticky tack ring id secure around the straws in a tight seal. Step 33: Our boat water proof and complete. Step 34: Before you use it you need to prime our boiler with water. Step 35: Take a straw and split the end of it. Step 36: Poke it in to one of the straws at the back of the boat. Step 37: With a mouth full of water blow it into straw, if water comes out of the other straw your boat now ready for the water. Step 38: Place a tea light candle under the boiler and wait for it to warm up. Step 39: Your boiler should start popping shortly after you light your candle. ** Note: If your boat doesn’t start moving right away, try adding another tea light candle.**
This our boiler Our Pop Pop boat, that burned.
Our pop pop boat did not complete the assign tasks, because our boat burned. When we lit the 2 candles we let it warm up for about 3 minutes, and then we put it in the water. When we put it in the water it did not move at all. We left it in the water for a minute and it caught on fire. Also it never started to pop like it was supposed too. Were not to sure what we did wrong. Yes, we had to redesign out boat. The second boat we made was a rubber band boat made out of styrofoam. This boat worked better than the pop pop boat because, this boat actually moved. But when we put the rubber band boat in the water it moved but didn’t go straight, it went off to the side. We knew what we did wrong with that one. It was we only had one keel and it wasn’t centered right. If we had a chance to make a new boat it would be a balloon boat, because all of the balloon boats worked well and went a far distance. Also if we could change anything about our second boat (rubber band boat) we would add 2 more keels, and center them better.