Intelligent Decision Support Systems: A Summary
Programming project Applications to IDSS: Analysis Tasks Help-desk systems Classification Diagnosis Tutoring Synthesis Tasks KBPP E-commerce Knowledge Management AI Introduction Overview IDT Attribute-Value Rep. Decision Trees Induction CBR Introduction Representation Similarity Retrieval Adaptation Rule-based Inference Rule-based Systems Expert Systems Summary Synthesis Tasks Planning Configuration Uncertainty (MDP, Utility, Fuzzy logic)
Uncertainty Degree of beliefs Degree of truth One decisionSequence of decision Decision theory = Probability + Utility Fuzzy Logic MDPs
Design Projects JeffReuse of design patterns in BlueJ OsafoReuse of templates in MS Visual C++. Detailed functionality TimReuse of web design derivational traces in Dreamweaver KiranIntelligent query re-writing for improving query answering. Scope TedEmacs environment to correct programming errors. Abstract cases ReddyGoing beyond statistics to assist (CBR) planning of a cricket game. KeExtending MS Outlook to schedule a plan of the activities. Example Shreer am Personalized navigation of web browsers. ChrisPersonalized web searches (Googleplex)