Use of Computers Study vs. Recreation Done by Nishat Naoushin Presentation version 2 My (rubaiyat) version was little bit outdated with 0ffice 2003.
Actually Meaning of my topic is how we spend our time in front of computer? Is that only for recreation purpose or Academic or educational purpose And does spending time in computers does any good to us?
Target Group : Computer Users Questionnaire survey respondents were: Thirty [30]
Introduction Computers are indispensable tool for students who thrived for achievements in the highest level of education. By using computers, they can spend their time for school studies. However, at the same time it is a good way not just for students, but almost in all ages to enjoy for recreational purposes like playing a wide varieties of computer games, surfing the web for news and sports, chatting with friends by using a chat program Research Areas HypothesisMethodology
√ Recreation provided by the computer. √ Important of computer in our daily day life. √ Purpose of using computer from different background. √ Reason behind a student spend so much time in front of computer. Introduction Research Areas HypothesisMethodology
Most of the home PC are used for recreation rather than study, if users don’t have any exam in the next day (!). Computer users are gaining something, seeking or finding something good from that recreation and which is helpful in their real life. IntroductionResearch Areas Hypothesis Methodology
Primary source : Questionnaire survey Snap shot of computer users in NSU lab Secondary Source: Internet & web journal. IntroductionResearch Areas Hypothesis Methodology
Primary Source (snap shot section in lab) Over View
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Learning with Recreation
Data analysis of Questionnaire How many hours do you pass over looking at a computer screen in a day?! 1 Hours 3.33% 2-4 hours 13.33% 5-7 hours 30% More than 8 hours 53.33%
Data analysis of Questionnaire HHave you got internet Connection? if yes, What You Doing while using internet?Chatting70%Gaming40% Research ing 23.33% Browsing56.66%
Data analysis of Questionnaire WWhat kind of programmes are installed in your computer? Educational program 36.66% Web design program 23.33% Editing programs 33.33% Miscellaneous76.66%
Data analysis of Questionnaire FFor you -What is the MAIN usage of your home computer? Chatting, Gaming, music 70% Reading article, newspaper & online journal 20% Listening music and doing homework at a time 35% Browsing /surfing 50%
Data analysis of Questionnaire DDo you use social network like facebook,hi5 or yahoo group ?if yes than what purpose ? Only for entertainment 70% Entertainment and Networking 40% Discussion with friends about class work and other activity 23.33% I don’t use any of this 23.33%
Data analysis of Questionnaire According to you, what is the ratio of computer use for study and recreation? Open-ended question 30:70 Study Vs. Recreation
Some Exceptional case Study Vs. Recreation 5:95
Limitations 1.Hot Weather,Rainy day. 2.Mid terms and final Exam Preparation 3.Other Course projects, reports assignments.
Finding People use computer both for study and recreation purpose.For mental freshness people listen music or playing games. Some crazy people spend their whole time in front of computer for only recreation purpose. Now a day when people sit in front of computer and if they are connected via internet, pass their time in social network like hi5 and face book or chatting with friends.
Recommendations Be a chooser don’t be a looser. Find out all good things from recreation. Try to build up a web site. Its not hard. You can easily do that. No need programming language. Need Help ? Visit this site
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