The Business Profitability TOTALSOLUTION Program Business Profitability Solutions Like The Fortune 500 Use For The ABC Company August 19, 2014 Presented By: (Your Name) (Title) (Company) © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC Estimate of Number of Employees = 100 SMSM
The Business Profitability TOTALSOLUTION Program ! Enter Your Bank’s Name is bringing you a Program developed by a management consultant for Fortune 500 companies! Fortune 500 companies have historically led the way in finding business profitability solutions. Other larger companies have copied these business solutions. But many businesses just have never been told about these solutions! Businesses with 30 employees or more are now able to take advantage of many of these business profitability solutions! Some of the larger companies including some Fortune 500 companies today are still not using some of these time tested and proven business profitability solutions! We have Experts that can provide detailed information on each of these business profitability solutions and how they would specifically improve your company’s profitability! The presentation on these business profitability solutions we provide our business clients will help your business identify which solutions your business should consider. Depending on the size of your business, you will find several, if not all of these business solutions, to improve your profitability! SM © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC
Business Solution #1 Are you prepared for a DOL Audit and their impending fines? The Department of Labor is gearing up For A NEW BIG PUSH To Enforce the HR Compliance Federal Laws during the next 4 years! We will “bulletproof” your business from a DOL audit! Most Businesses Are NOT Prepared For An HR Compliance Audit By The Department of Labor! One DOL violation will cost $110 per employee PER DAY! If a business has 100 employees. This could be $11,000 PER DAY for just one violation! 3 out of 4 audits result in fines lasting many days and many have multiple violations, some which are retroactive! Don’t just turn your profit over to the DOL! Let one of our Strategic Business Partners protect your business from a DOL audit! © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC Will Your Company suffer from a DOL Audit? The DOL has launched a very focused program to audit every business in America regarding HR Compliance To Federal Laws that will cost businesses Billions of Dollars in fines!
Business Solution #2 Did you know that 82% of employers with more than 500 employees have already opted out of Obamacare, kept their traditional health insurance, and achieved a 30% or more savings? -Legally opt out of Obamacare, -Avoid the employer mandate, -Avoid making more employees part time, -Avoid Obamacare fines, -Eliminate all uncertainty of Obamacare, -Provide traditional health insurance to your employees with an immediate 30% or more savings, and -Flourish in your industry while your competitors struggle! ……. But Just 25.7% of firms with 100 to 499 employees and only 13.5% of those with fewer than 100 employees know about this solution! © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC Capture the profit you are losing on an expensive health insurance plan! Let one of our Strategic Business Partners help your business save this money and boost your bottom line! Obamacare is driving the cost of doing business higher, but you can lower these costs by using Partially Self-Funded Health Insurance Plans! Companies providing health insurance coverage who are willing to assume the responsibility of managing the risk of small claims, while relying on traditional insurance products for catastrophic protection, should know that they can ….
Business Solution #3 Here is how to lower your Company’s P&C insurance cost! Property & Casualty insureds who are willing to assume the responsibility of managing the risk of small claims, while relying on traditional insurance products for catastrophic protection, should consider the numerous benefits of a Self Funded P&C Insurance Solution …. Control over Benefit Dollars Reduced operational costs Cost-effective claim processing Reduced Carrier profit margins Cost & Utilization Controls © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC Capture the profit you are losing on an expensive P&C insurance plan! Let one of our Strategic Business Partners help your business save this money to your bottom line! Partially Self-Funded P&C Insurance Plans can lower your P&C Insurance costs much like those Self-Funded plans for Health Insurance!
Business Solution #4 How Much Money Is YOUR COMPANY Unknowingly Missing In both insurance and Tax Savings By Not Using Captive Insurance Over The Next 5 Years? © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC Companies with more than 100 employees, and who have averaged in the last 3-5 years $1 Million Annual Revenue and have $250,000 in annual discretionary Cash Flows are likely qualified for a Captive Insurance Company. Higher taxes and insurance costs are driving businesses to set up their own Captive Insurance Company! This is an even better solution than just the Self-Funded Health and P&C Insurance Plans! A Captive insurance company is a private insurance company set up to insure the risks of a parent company and its subsidiaries. Over 80% of Fortune 500 companies and over 5,000 other large companies use a Captive Insurance Company! If smaller companies fully understood these benefits, then millions of other companies would likely choose this business solution! You can insure risks not generally accepted by commercial carriers and reduce your Health and P&C premiums by paying wholesale pricing (better than traditional self-funded plans). This will provide more robust asset protection from the claims of personal creditors and creditors of the company and offers tremendous opportunities for wealth transfer. The first $1.2M your business pays in premiums to any Captive Insurance Company is tax-free and all premiums paid to the captive are fully deductible to your business. Profits from underwriting are not taxable to a captive and claims paid by the captive to the company may be tax-free (attorney support is provided with each captive formed). Up to 50% savings in your Health and P&C Insurance Plans and reduced tax liabilities.
Business Solution #5 Businesses, Executives, and Management Are Unaware That….. Businesses have huge hidden financial losses resulting from employees dealing with personal legal life events and identity theft problems ON COMPANY TIME! How Much Money Is YOUR COMPANY Unknowingly Going To Waste Over The Next 5 Years? © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC American Businesses Will Lose $1.4 Trillion due to Lower Employee Productivity over the next 5 years from these two problems that employees are having to deal with. Lost Employee Productivity is a costly business expense! This service is provided to employers at no charge and saves from $300,000 to $3 Billion over the next 5 years depending on your company’s size and how you implement this solution!
Business Solution #5 continued © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC The most recent industry studies show the average loss in time on the job for employees dealing with identity theft is minutes per day for almost 1 out of 10 (8.6% average) and for employees dealing with “legal” life events, where a little help from an attorney would put employees back to work quicker, is minutes per day for 3 out of 4 employees (74%)! Based on these industry studies, this service can provide a Company $1 Million in Savings over the next 5 years for every 100 employees! These are not our numbers! They are documented in industry accepted studies which are only now being fully understood in the industry! Don’t let your profit be siphoned away by lower employee productivity! Let one of our Strategic Business Partners save this money for your business’ bottom line!
Prove It To Yourself! Your Business Clients Will Have A Huge Hidden Financial Loss If Employees Do Not Have ACCESS To Licensed Fraud Investigators and Legal Professionals In The 21 st Century! If A Company Has 100 Employees Total Financial Loss Expected Over 5 Years For Both Legal Life Events and Identity Theft Problems! A Detailed Presentation Is Available To Provide Further Proof These Figures Are Real! © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC $798,535 + $210,252 = $1.0 Million
Which Business Solution Would You Like to Get The Specific Details For Your Business First? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? Business Solution #1 – REGULATIONS - Are you prepared for a DOL Audit and their impending fines? Business Solution #2 – HEALTHCARE - Would you like to explore legally Opting Out of Obamacare, still keep your traditional health insurance, and save up to 30%? Business Solution #3 – INSURANCE - Would you like to have the same or better P&C insurance coverage but at a much lower cost and have the potential to receive money back if you have a good year with low claims? Business Solution #4 – TAXES - Would you like to explore having significant tax savings plus having both health and P&C insurance plans at “wholesale” prices thus saving you up to 50% by using a Captive Insurance Company? Business Solution #5 – PRODUCTIVITY - This business solution available to employers at NO COST offers a significant savings to businesses by improving employee productivity! For example, when implemented as we recommend, a company with 30 employees can save on average $300,000 and a company with 300,000 employees can save on average $3 Billion over the next 5 years, respectively. Our Recommendation Is To Evaluate All Of These Options And Then Make The Best “Informed” Decisions! © 2014, The Intellectual Property Of BHJ Management Services, LLC