Charles Ruffolo The NetworKING! “Take delight in, and frequent the company of good people. Aesop
KING Leveraging Your NetworKING Power You are the KING of your Network - Energize & Leverage your Alliance... With others Kingdoms - you will create an EMPIRE !
Is it Sales? Is it Marketing? What is NetworKING?
Your Growth Plan Your Worldwide Kingdom What is NetworKING? A LLIANCE ? What is NetworKING? A LLIANCE ? What is NetworKING?
Cultural Educational Clubs/Organizations Viewpoints Many Things It is always grounds for communication Effective Networking is facilitated by being an integral part of something - Embedded Software - Find Common Ground
Five Basic Points on NetworKING 1. Establish Your Network Five NetworKING Points
Establish Your Network
After you establish your Network - now energize your Network for business. A = WHO is in your A rea - current customers B = WHO are your B rokers - utilize them C = WHO are in your C lubs - tap into them N = WHO is in your ABC N etwork - energize IT !
1. Establish Your Network 2. Know Your Network Know Your Network Five Basic Points on NetworKING
Know Your Network
After you get to know your Network - now turn on the power of your Network for business... Know Your Network A = WHICH customer in your A rea provided a lead ? B = WHICH B rokers have delivered a lead ? C = WHICH C lub has turned you a lead ? N = WHICH ABC N etwork Member did you energize?
Know Your Network
RAPPORT Rapport - Network is the business of building a sense of respect, faith and trust in the other parties. It is the most important part of any interaction and is based on bonding with your Network NETWORK Know Your Network
1. Establish Your Network 2. Know Your Network 3. Bond with Your Network Bond With Your Network Five Basic Points on NetworKING
Bond With Your Network
After you have bonded with your Network - now motivate & enthuse your Network for business. A = WHAT customers in your A rea gave you business ? B = WHICH B rokers enthused you with new business? C = WHICH C lub motivated you to do more business ? N = WHICH ABC N etwork activity turned a profit? Bond With Your Network
1. Establish Your Network 2. Know Your Network 3. Bond with Your Network 4. Nurture Your Network Nurture Your Network Five Basic Points on NetworKING
After you have nurtured your Network - now tap into your Network for business... A = WHAT customer in your A rea invited you ? B = WHAT B rokers took you into their Network ? C = WHAT C lub member expanded their Network ? N = WHAT ABC N etwork organization gave a lead? Nurture Your Network
1. Establish Your Network 2. Know Your Network 3. Bond with Your Network 4. Nurture Your Network 5. Give to Your Network Give to Your Network Five Basic Points on NetworKING
Give to Your Network
After giving to your Network - now reap the benefits of your NetworKING skills. A = WHICH customer in your A rea Gives business ? B = WHICH B roker Gives you business ? C = WHICH C lub Gives you business ? N = WHICH ABC N etwork member gives you business Give to Your Network
Energize Your Network NOW it’s time to ENERGIZE your Network 1. Create (Establish) your own Business Club in your Area 2. Tap (Know) your Business Network to get Club Sponsors 3. Host (Bond) your Business Club events at your locations 4. Invite (Nurture) your entire Network to your events 5. Always (Give) lead your Business Club Network
Peter Drucker said: “Money is information in action!” Charles Ruffolo says: Knowledge of Your POWER is Network Know Your Power
NetworKING is not WHO you know that counts, but WHO KNOWS YOU! NetworKING is not WHO you know that counts, but WHO KNOWS YOU! Who Knows You ?
Your Networking Possibilities are ENDLESS
If I can help, just call or write: Charles D. A. Ruffolo – MPA Telephone Fax Mobile In UK: ABCN – [44] In Europe: ABCN – [31] In North America: ABCN – [1] Energize Your Network !