Agendas Tomorrow– 8/23 –Religions Quiz –Study Guide due Tuesday – 8/27 –Vocab due Thursday – 8/29 –Unit 1a Test –Test Study Guide due
Buddhism Review
True or False With your partner, decide if it is true or false. If it’s false – tell me why! 1. The god of Buddhism is Buddha. 2. The Four Noble Truths believe that life is filled with happiness. To enjoy that happiness, you must get rid of desires. 3. Buddha reached enlightenment by sitting under a tree.
4. The final stage of peace is called enlightenment. 5. Buddha believed in reincarnation. 6. Buddha believed in the caste system.
Buddhism Followers worldwide: 362 Million Name of Deity: No personal deity
Founder Siddhartha Gautama: Buddha Born into a noble family - prophecy Saw old man, sick man, dead man, holy man Only a religious life offers escape from suffering Meditated under tree – achieved “enlightenment”
Holy Book No one book – sacred texts
Leadership Buddhist monks and nuns
Basic Beliefs Four Noble Truths – 1.Life is filled with suffering 2.Cause of suffering are selfish desires 3.To end suffering…end…? Desires 4.End desires by following Eightfold Path
Basic Beliefs Eightfold Path- right views, right speech, right conduct….etc
Basic Beliefs Nirvana – release from selfishness & pain –What does this sound like?
Buddhism Today Found primarily in China (but also throughout SE Asia) Indian Buddha Chinese Buddha
Does anyone know where Hinduism originated? Last time we studied India, what happened to the Indus River Valley? –Tectonic plate movements? –Civilizations declined
Indo-Europeans The Indo-Europeans – group of nomadic peoples Aryans – group of nomads who entered India
Aryan Aryans were taller, lighter in skin color –Spoke a different language Left almost no archaeological record, –Sacred literature remained –Vedas Collections of prayers, hymns to gods, spells, and ritual instructions –Rig Veda
Hinduism Collection of religious beliefs that developed over a long period of time
Followers Worldwide 820 Million
Name of Deity Three main gods: –Brahma –Vishnu –Shiva
Founder No one founder
Holy Book No one book – sacred texts: –Vedas –Puranas
Leadership Guru Holy Man Brahmin Priest
Basic Belief From your own experience, what have you noticed about Hinduism? Main goal: –Liberate themselves from desires and suffering
Basic Beliefs Reincarnation: The soul never dies, but is continually reborn
Basic Beliefs Moksha – Perfect understanding and release from life –Lifetime of worship and virtuous acts
Basic Beliefs Karma – Good or bad deeds that follow one from reincarnation
The Caste System Brahmins (priests) Kshatriyas (Rulers and warriors) Vaishyas (Peasants and traders) Shudras (laborers)
Hinduism Review 1. How were the Aryans connected to Hinduism? 2. Name the three gods that serve as the main gods for Hinduism. 3. Who is the top of the Hindu caste system? 4. How are moksha and reincarnation related? 5. The Hindus have more than one holy texts. Name the one that gives us information about the creators of Hinduism.
How are Buddhism and Hinduism similar? Both believe in: Reincarnation Nirvana/moksha Karma
How is Buddhism different from Hinduism?? 1. Buddha rejected the many gods of Hinduism 2. Did not like the privileges of the Brahmin Priests and rejected the caste system