Birth place and date Birth place and date Childhood living locations Childhood living locations Schools I have attendedSchools I have attended Moving to Ontario Moving to Ontario Hobbies Hobbies Graduation / High School Graduation / High School
I was born on: Friday, September 13, 1996 at 12:02 am. I was born at Prince George General Hospital in Prince George, British Columbia.
I was first raised in Prince George, BC Until the age of 3 I then moved to Port Coquitlam BC until the age of 6 After living in Coquitlam for 3 years i moved to South Surrey BC
Location: Coquitlam BC Location: South Surrey BC Location: Oakville ON Location: Oakville ON
During the summer of 2005 I moved from South Surrey BC all the way across the country to Oakville Ontario
In the summer of 2010 I graduated from Heritage Glen Public School After graduating Heritage Glen I am currently on my first year of high school approaching summer vacation
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