Presenter: Nazeny Hovakimian, Coordinator of Student Services Study Skills
Good Study Habits time management self-discipline concentration memorization organization effort
Օ utline Quick Survey 11 Steps to Effective Studying Sum up: Short Video
Your approach to studying Questions: 1.How would you evaluate your study habits? 2. For every hour in class, you study… 3.Do you have an organized plan and schedule for study? 4.Do you have a quiet place in which you study? 5.Do you approach studying with a positive attitude? 6.In what ways could you improve your study habits? Answers: 1.good /fair/ poor 2.a little / 1 hr. / 2 hrs./ more than 2 hrs 3.Yes/No 4.Yes/No 5.Yes/No 6.…
1. State Your Intention thinking about your goals
2. Pick a Place and a Time
3. Organize Your Time Set Alarms Use a Wall Planner Make To-Do Lists Set Time Limits
4. Study Every Day Daily reviews Weekly reviews Pre-exam reviews Peak Study Times Bonus Study Time
5. Review and Revise Quiz Yourself Make your Own Study Materials …
… visualize what you are studying use color in your notes (colored pens, highlighters, etc.) draw pictures and diagrams visualize what the instructor is lecturing about use mind maps in your notes use picture and graphics to reinforce learning learn from videos
… listen to tapes of recorded assignments tape record your own textbook reading read out loud listen to audiotapes on the subject talk over ideas from class and what you are studying with other students participate in class discussions
… stand up and move around while you are studying take frequent breaks while studying make use of your hands and write things down as you study use the computer to reinforce learning be physically active; experiment with objects memorize or drill while walking or exercising
6. Take Breaks
7. Ask for Help
8. Join a Study Group 1. Procrastination Solution 2. Learn Faster 3. Get New Perspectives 4. Learn New Study Skills 5. Breaks The Monotony 6. Fill In Learning Gaps 7. Practice for the “Real World”
9. Stay Motivated
10. App it Up o iTunes University o Exam Vocabulary Builder o Coursera o Brainscape – Smart Flashcards o XMind o Quizlet
iTunes University
Exam Vocabulary Builder
Brainscape – Smart Flashcards
11. Look After Yourself
Thank you and Good Luck!