P1. Overview of Objectives & Agenda of Technical Meeting Presented by: Irina Kuzmina, Safety Officer, SAS/NSNI, i.kuzmina@iaea.org Technical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for New Nuclear Power Plants’ Design IAEA, Vienna, Austria October 1-5, 2012
IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS SERIES IAEA has statutory obligation to develop international standards of safety Safety Guides Requirements Safety Fundamentals Article III.A.6 of Statute: To establish or adopt standards of safety for the protection of health and minimization of danger to life and property To provide for the application of these standards IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS SERIES Wide international consensus is achieved through a rigorous development process 2
SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS (1/2) The fundamental safety objective is to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation ‘Safety’ means the protection of people and the environment against radiation risks Ten safety principles have been formulated, on the basis of which safety requirements are developed and safety measures are to be implemented in order to achieve the fundamental safety objective
SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS (2/2) Principle 5 ‘Optimization of protection’ states: “To determine whether radiation risks are as low as reasonably achievable, all such risks, whether arising from normal operations or from abnormal or accident conditions, must be assessed (using a graded approach) a priori and periodically reassessed throughout the lifetime of facilities and activities.”
High-level use of PSA results: GENERAL STATUS OF PSA PSA performance: Operating NPPs Level 1 PSA - practically all currently operating NPPs Level 2 PSA - performed or being pursued for many of them Level 3 PSA is still not widely performed PSA is usually performed by utility organizations New NPPs Level 1 PSA (and often Level 2 PSA) Usually performed by designers and included in the safety case High-level use of PSA results: Comparison with risk targets or limits expressed in terms of specific values of risk metrics In many countries, risk targets for new NPPs are more stringent, implying that the safety level of new NPPs should be higher
OBJECTIVES & SCOPE OF THE TM The objective of this Technical Meeting (TM) is to serve as an international forum for presentations and discussions on the current practices pertaining to the development of PSA for new NPP designs Specific focus on insights and special features related to methodological aspects of Level 1 and Level 2 PSA for new NPP designs Reliability of passive safety systems, computer based I&C HRA Insufficient information Consideration of the impact from internal and external hazards, etc. National practices from the perspective of both designer/utility organizations and regulatory bodies
EXPECTED OUTCOME The results of the meeting will be published as a technical report (Working Material) as soon as possible after the meeting The report will serve as a basis for future IAEA activities relating to PSA for new NPP design Summary of WG discussions, conclusions, recommendations for future activities, and papers will be included
Presentations by participants – first three days WORKING PROCESS (1/2) Presentations by participants – first three days Panel discussion at the end of each day Working group activities – one day (Thursday) Two groups – Chairs will be elected – topics will be defined Participants’ suggestions are welcome Detail discussion and documenting views of the WGs Draft conclusions and recommendations for future IAEA’s activities General discussion, finalization of conclusions and recommendations – the last day
WORKING PROCESS (2/2) Tight agenda - 27 presentations; please: Observe 30 min per presentation, incl. 5 min for questions Copy your presentation in the meeting room computer during the breaks before the session where you will present Start the name of the PPT- & DOC-file (paper) with the number assigned to your presentation in the agenda, example: ‘P1 - Object-Agenda_TM-PSA-New-Design_Kuzmina’ Please copy the final version of your full paper in the dedicated folder on the desktop before Thursday morning Working time: 9:00 – 17:00 Coffee breaks: 10:30 – 11:00 15:30 – 16:00 Lunch break: 12:30 – 14:00 Cocktail party on Tuesday at 18:00 in the VIC restaurant
OVERVIEW OF THE AGENDA Rev1_Agenda TM New NPP PSA Oct1-5-2012.doc