ACT VS GPA(DUN DUN DDDUUUUUUNNNNNN) Jade Lonyae Vinson & Brandon Terrell Johnson
Introduction & Research Question - Is there any relationship between the weighted grade point average (GPA) of Kenwood Academy High School seniors and the ACT score they earned?
Introduction & Research Question (cont’d) - We used a sample of forty seniors out of the full population of 333 seniors and asked them their weighted GPA and the score they earn on the ACT. We then recorded their responses. We then used Linear Regression Test to evaluate the relationship.
Strengths and Weaknesses We were able to survey students of various academic standings so that our findings were more realistic. However, since they did not answer our questions anonymously, the students we asked could have given false answers.
Weighted GPA Data Weight GPA Average GPA: Standard Deviation:
ACT Score Data Act Score Average ACT score: Standard Deviation:
Hypothesis Ho: β = 0There is no relationship between high school weighted GPA and their ACT score. Ha: β > 0 There is a relationship between high school weighted GPA and their ACT score with a positive slope.
Parameters Significant Level-.05 Sample Size: 40 Population Size: 333 We will use the Linear Regression Test. Checking Conditions -Random Sample -According to the normal probability plot the graph is relatively linear, so the data is normal.
Data in graph
Residual Y = E-14x E-14
Liner Regression Test t=(b- βo)/Sb= S= t= p= We can reject the Ho because the p value is which is less than our significant level of.05
Conclusion We can reject the Ho because the p value is which is less than our significant level of.05. There is a relationship between high school weighted GPA and their ACT score with a positive slope.