Personal Development System Professional Practice Portfolio BSc Hons Radiography (Diagnostic) Nuala Thompson 5 th June 2007
Placement Organisation Five periods of placement spread over the four years of the course - total 48 weeks orientation placement - 3 weeks in year one four blocks of 8, 13 or 16 weeks distributed over the remaining three years each placement period is assessed different methods of assessment
Professional Practice Portfolio The Professional Practice Portfolio is a collection of material that records the student’s endeavours, progress & achievements throughout the professional practice placements. The completion of the portfolio will allow the student to demonstrate his/her competence in professional and clinical areas to another person.
Professional Practice Portfolio The aims are to encourage the student to: take an active part in & evaluate own learning reflect on practice & experience identify learning needs & set own goals provide evidence that learning has taken place
Guidance Health Professions Council College of Radiographers - professional body QAA for Higher Education Academic and practitioner standards for radiography Subject benchmark statements - describe the profession specific expectations & requirements
Statements of Competence 14 different competence areas which include generic and course specific categories within each competence area a number of skills have been identified throughout placements the student collects evidence to demonstrate achievement of each skill all skills within an area must be achieved (with evidence) before competence can be considered
Competencies identified COURSE SPECIFIC Professional knowledge Patient Care Patient Positioning Exposure details & image manipulation Image Evaluation Organisation Radiation Protection and Health & Safety Ethical Issues GENERIC Communication Professional Relationships Initiative/Problem Solving Improving own Learning and Performance Information Technology Personal Attributes
Exposure details & image manipulation Achievement of competence in this area will demonstrate that you can select exposure factors, appropriate for the procedure being performed, so that images produced are of an acceptable standard.
Discuss the relationship between kVp & mAs and the penetration, contrast and density on the radiographic image. Discuss the effect that varying the kVp and/or the mAs will have on the resultant image. Where radiographs need to be repeated, due to exposure error, accurately assess whether the kVp, mAs, or both, need to be adjusted and in what way. Accurately adjust exposure factors to take into account the pathology, clinical presentation and patient build.
Manipulate the various exposure parameters to overcome any difficulties experienced with the patient’s ability to cooperate for the procedure. Demonstrate the applications of information technology, data processing, storage, retrieval and manipulation necessary for the production of images from digital procedures. Effectively use information communication technology in relation to information about or from patients and departmental management.
PDSystem Skills added within Cohort Manager under Cohort Skills tab Relevant generic skills transferred to course specific area Release of skills to particular placement cohort depending on level of student and complexity of skill
Training Students:- 3 x 2hour tutorial sessions PDS Radiography Placement Trail Additional guidelines Practice Educators:- Afternoon workshop Additional training as required
Radiography Placement Rota YRSemester 1Semester 2Semester 3 1 Orientation 3 wk Jan before Sem. 2 ** * 2 Pl1 13 wk Pl 2 8 wk 3 Pl 3 8 wk 4 Pl 4 16 wk
Developing the Portfolio – prior to placement students will; complete a Skills Audit formulate a placement Goal and Action Plan create an e-Portfolio to include Skills Audit, Goal & Action Plan share e-Portfolio with Studies Adviser meet with Studies Adviser to discuss & agree Action Plan share e-Portfolio with Practice Educator
Associate Skills
Developing the Portfolio During Placement e-Portfolio is shared with Studies Adviser and Practice Educator for duration of placement Collection of evidence Ongoing reflection of learning & achievements Mid-placement self & tutor/supervisor evaluation Academic visit report End of placement self & tutor/supervisor evaluation
PDSystem Portfolio Sharing of e-Portfolios while on placement will allow: practice educators to be better prepared for students more effective support for students more effective use of the learning experience academic staff to be better informed for their placement visits early identification of any difficulties
Hiccups!! Students no longer associated with cohort skills creation of cohort list introduce synchronicity with Registry File capacity of individual accounts application of artifacts Visibility of course specific skills by other academic staff include staff member student demo account number within cohort list