Class A Address O is the subnet Identifier is the loop back address. 4 Each class A address supports 16,387,064 hosts. 4 Assigned to large corporation 4 example
Class B is the subnet identifier is used for broadcasting. 4 Each class B address supports Assigned to medium networks 4 example:
Class C is the subnet identifier is used for broadcasting 4 Each class C address supports 254 hosts 4 Assigned for small networks.
Class E & D 4 Class D – –Used for multicasting. 4 Class E – –Used for Experimentation.
Subnetting 4 Why: to break a network into smaller and more manageable subnets. 4 How: by borrowing bits from the host section. 4 Problems: –Routers are not aware of subnetting plans. (Can be solved) –Loss of IP addresses. (Solution under development)
Subnet Mask 4 Used to filter and identify the network address and the sub network address. 4 How: –Special Format; All the pits in network and sub network area will be turned on.(Continuous string of binary 1 digits) –Binary And the Subnet mask and the IP address. (Only =1)
A Binary And Operation
Default Gateway 4 The sub network Connection to the local router.