Graphical User Interfaces CSE 4257 CSE 5281
Course syllabus zCourse Syllabus zCSE zCSE zGraphical User Interfaces zClass Hours: Monday, Wednesday 3:30- 4:45 zRoom S220 zMr. Gary Hrezo zOffice hours available by appointment zPrerequisite: The programming language JAVA will be used in this class. A basic understanding is assumed. zRequired Text: Usability Engineering zby Jakob Nielsen zCourse Description: The theories and techniques of human-computer interaction, and the design of direct manipulation graphical-user interfaces that support menu, buttons, sliders and other widgets for input, text and graphics for output. Students design implement and evaluate a graphical-user interface. zGrading: z2 ExamsMidterm (20%) z Final (25%) z3 Projects Assignment 1 (12%) z Assignment 2 (13%) z Assignment 3 (20%) zClass participation(5%) zAttendance will be taken before each class as required by the Computer Science Department. z zCourse Syllabus
zCSE zCSE zGraphical User Interfaces zClass Hours: Monday, Wednesday 3:30-4:45 zRoom S220 zMr. Gary Hrezo zOffice hours available by appointment zPrerequisite: The programming language JAVA will be used in this class. A basic understanding is assumed. zRequired Text: Usability Engineering zby Jakob Nielsen zCourse Description: The theories and techniques of human- computer interaction, and the design of direct manipulation graphical-user interfaces that support menu, buttons, sliders and other widgets for input, text and graphics for output. Students design implement and evaluate a graphical- user interface. zGrading: z2 Exams Midterm (20%) z Final (25%) z3 Projects Assignment 1 (12%) z Assignment 2 (13%) z Assignment 3 (20%) zClass participation (5%) zAttendance will be taken before each class as required by the Computer Science Department. z zMr. Gary Hrezo zOffice hours available by appointment zPrerequisite: The programming language JAVA will be used in this class. A basic understanding is assumed. zRequired Text: Usability Engineering zby Jakob Nielsen zCourse Description: The theories and techniques of human- computer interaction, and the design of direct manipulation graphical-user interfaces that support menu, buttons, sliders and other widgets for input, text and graphics for output. Students design implement and evaluate a graphical- user interface. zGrading: z2 Exams Midterm (20%) z Final (25%) z3 Projects Assignment 1 (12%) z Assignment 2 (13%) z Assignment 3 (20%) zClass participation (5%) zAttendance will be taken before each class as required by the Computer Science Department. z
User Interface examples
The good, bad and ugly
UI frustrations…grrrrrr! zThe engineer who founded DEC confessed he couldn’t heat his coffee in the company's microwave. zCan you use (program) yVCR yDigital watch yWater facets
Usability Design Implementation Evaluation
zAffordances zAffordances-strong clues as to use zMappings the controls and their result in the real world zFeedback- what action has taken place zConstraints- constraints the user
Affordances zAffordances refers to the perceived and actual properties, esp wrt how it is used or applied zAffordances provide “strong clues” to the operation of things
Mappings z Mappings refers to the relationship between two things zEg, control and movement ySteering wheel yDoor handle
Visibility (feedback) zAllow the user to be informed zShow him the state ydid I set the watch correctly? ycan I see the elevator in its shaft? zIs the tape in correctly? Is it engaged
Conceptual Model zScissors yAffordances - insert fingers into holes yConstraints - the size of each hole zYou can figure out how to use scissors because the operating parts are visible and understandable.
Guidelines for Design zProvide a good conceptual model yallows users to predict consequences of actions ycommunicates the system to the user zMake things visible yrelations between user’s intentions, required actions, and results should be xsensible xconsistent xmeaningful (non-arbitrary)