Earthquakes and Seismotectonics of Taiwan: An Overview Yi-Ben Tsai Geosciences Department, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco, USA September.


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Presentation transcript:

Earthquakes and Seismotectonics of Taiwan: An Overview Yi-Ben Tsai Geosciences Department, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco, USA September 22, 2009 The Next Generation of Research on Earthquake-induced Landslides: An International Conference in Commemoration of 10th Anniversary of the Chi-Chi Earthquake, 2009

Seismicity of Taiwan, (USGS) (CWB)

(Wu et al., 2007) Three-dimensional view of the relocated seismicity of Taiwan ( )

(Chang, 2000)

GPS velocity field and strain rate ( ) ▼ Dilatation and principal strain rate axes ▼ Interseismic velocity relative to S01R (Yu et al., 2003)

: : 401 (Chiang, 2005)

Active faults in Taiwan

Davidson (1903)

(Chen and Tsai, 2008)

Damaging earthquakes in Taiwan ( ) (

(3276) (2535) (1275) (106) (355)

Area Total households Collapsed households Collapse rate Fault zone 1,743 1, % East of fault zone 1, % West of fault zone 1, % Over all 3,875 2, % 1935 Shih-tan fault

Area Population Death toll Fatality rate Fault zone 10, % East of fault zone 6, % West of fault zone 8, % Over all 24, % 1935 Shih-tan fault

Area Total households Collapsed households Collapse rate Fault zone 3,220 1, % South of fault zone 1, % North of fault zone 5,814 1, % Over all 10,128 4, % 1935 Tun-tze-chiao fault

Area Population Death toll Fatality rate Fault zone 22,075 1, % South of fault zone 7, % North of fault zone 38, % Over all 68,358 1, %

(Ouchi et al., 2001)

Collapsed unreinforced houses

Area Total households Collapsed households Collapse rate Fault zone 59,971 8, % East of fault zone 28,124 8, % West of fault zone 85,830 8, % Over all 173,925 25, %

Area Population Death toll Fatality rate Fault zone 226, % East of fault zone 102, % West of fault zone 307, % Over all 635,550 1, %

Seismic Zoning Map (1974)Seismic Zoning Map (1982)

(Lee et al., 2001)


Chiou and Youngs (2008) Previous Data New Data

Attenuation Relationships for subduction zone earthqukes Lin (2009) Different focal mechanismsDifferent Vs30’s

New Generation of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Taiwan: California as an Example New Generation of Attenuation Relationships +

Thank you for your attention



Collapse rate

Death rate

(內政部, 1997 ) (國家地震工程研究中心, 1999 ) Seismic Zoning Map (1997)Seismic Zoning Map (1999)