SBSTA PROGRAMME OF WORK Impacts,Vulnerability and Adaptation
Introduction Following the conclusions of the consideration of the TAR,COP by dec. 10/CP.9 requested SBSTA to initiate its work on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Pre-sessional and in-session workshops on exchanging info. and sharing experiences views on practical opportunities and solutions to facilitate the implementation of the UNFCCC. Decision 1/CP.10 the SBSTA was requested to develop a 5yr programme of work
Thematic Areas Methodologies, data and modelling Vulnerability assessments Adaptation planning, measures and actions and, Integration into sustainable development
Inter-sessional Workshop To facilitate the development of the programme of work reflecting the following broad requirements: Responsiveness: including a sufficient range of topics of concern to as many parties as possible. Inclusiveness: range of approaches,incl. risk management,sectoral integrated livelihood,indigenous knowledge etc incl. scale of activities Continuity: Taking into account other activities on V and A inside and outside the Convention Practicality: Practical and feasible to implement in 5yrs Action Oriented: Lead to actions to reduce vulnerability? enhance adaptive capacity,likely to attract the interest and participation of stakeholders Consistency with the SBSTA mandate: Includes providing the COP and its subsidiary bodies with timely advice on scientific and technological matters relating to the Convention
Summary of Discussions Considered a generalised synthesis of proposals for action area as given under decision 1/CP.10. The understanding that emerged was that the programme of work would consist of two thematic areas:- Impacts and Vulnerability; and adaptation. The Crosscutting issues of methodologies, data,modelling and integration will be addressed in the two thematic areas. The expected outcome of the workprograme is enhanced capacity at regional,national,sectoral and local levels to identify and understand possible impacts and vulnerability and adaptation responses and give guidance on the implementation of practical, effective and high priority actions For each of the sub-themes two categories were identified: -Specific activities that can be undertaken immediately -Issues which would require initial stocktaking before specific activities can be launched