Making your thesis legal Improving health worldwide Updated October 2015
Overview Advantages of making thesis available online Copyright implications Research Paper Style Thesis Reasons for redactions/embargoes Sensitive data and Data Protection Act Procedure/Format Resources/Contact Questions
In the old days Physically visit No copying Could not remove from library Access, dissemination of knowledge limited
2015 Research is online Theses are online 131 UK institutions British Library EThOS service PhD, Mphil, DrPh Greater dissemination, wider impact, increased health knowledge
EThOS Approximately 400,000 records Around 160,000 FULL TEXT Records dating back to at least Records are held for all UK PhD-awarding institutions 3000 new records are added a month & additional 2000 full text theses become accessible.
LSHTM Research Online theses Pre 2013, back to 1950 E-thesis Policy (Oct 2013) PhD (research paper style) Doctorates in Public Health (DrPH) Very popular
Copyright No copyright in ideas Needs to be ‘fixed’ e.g. Written down Supervision, advice, edits do not qualify for copyright You own the copyright - unless you give it away
Your Copyright You the student own all of your work – student essays, assignments, coursework and thesis. Theses held in LSHTM Research Online will have the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND
3 rd party material Always credit, cite when you use other people’s material or ideas Images, text, diagrams, tables, figures, photos, sound, video
Criticism and review General allowance for purposes of criticism, review or quotation is allowed for any type of copyright work. A minimum amount of material must be used (usually a short quote) – “fair dealing” Sufficient acknowledgment of the source will be required.
Criticism and Review Do not use more than is necessary No full articles or chapters Take down policy Image from Flickr (CC-BY-SA)
Example – unnecessary
Clearing copyright material Not everything covered by “criticism and review” exception If it was to be ‘published’ in journal, book Whole articles e.g. Appendices Contact copyright holder – publisher State what you want to use, where and why templates
template: use copyright material Dear Sir/Madam [Name if known], I am currently studying for a research degree at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I am contacting you to seek permission to include the following material within the electronic version of my PhD thesis: [Provide full details of the material you intend to include] If you are not the rights holder for this material I would be grateful if you would advise me who to contact. The thesis will be made available within LSHTM Research Online our institutional repository The repository is non-commercial and openly available to all. Yours Sincerely
'Research Paper Style Thesis' Go Open Access - DOAJ PLoS, BMC, E-Life, PeerJ Ensure all articles ‘published’ before ‘online’ Same version as your post-viva version template If permission refused – link to the citation or embargo it permanently
template: 'Research Paper Style Thesis' Dear Sir/Madam [Name if known], I would like to request permission to include the following article(s) that I published and authored with you: [include full citation of articles] in the digital copy of my thesis which will be made publically available through LSHTM Research Online This is our institutional repository and is non commercial and openly available to all. Yours sincerely
Author Addendum Author Rights: Using the SPARC Author Addendum to secure your rights as the author of a journal article addendum
Redaction Personal/sensitive data Material obtained under promise of confidentiality Uncleared copyrighted material Need to also submit an ‘unredacted’ electronic version 2 versions therefore
Embargos! Up to 24 months Agreed with your supervisor Exceptional circumstances Evidence needed to support request Can be requested at later date Further extension can be requested notification once online Abstract and metadata will be visible online
Reasons for embargo Publication is pending Contains patents Contains commercially/legally sensitive information Material obtained under promise of confidentiality Personal/sensitive data Uncleared copyrighted material
The Freedom of Information Act and your thesis subject to the Freedom of Information Act we must supply a copy of your thesis to anyone who requests it. Exemptions included For advice see Freedom of Information website at the School.
Procedure S ign thesis submission form 4 months before Complete embargo/restriction of access form Examination stage electronic submission Post viva stage electronic submission CD or Creative Commons license CC- BY-NC-ND
Format Pdf, rtf, doc, docx Thesis naming convention Year_Faculty_Name of Award_Surname_Initial e.g. 2013_ITD_PhD_Gray_A Appendices naming convention Year_Faculty _Name of Award _ _Surname_Initial_ Appendices e.g. 2013_ITD_PhD_ Gray_A_ AppendixA_ If redacted indicate in file name e.g Redacted_2013_ITD_PhD_Gray_A_
Resources Intellectual Property Rights Policy at LSHTM Policy and templates ht_request.pdf ht_request.pdf E-thesis Policy FAQs PhD forms DrPH forms Embargo/Restriction of access form of_access_form.pdf of_access_form.pdf Copyright Guidance Author Rights: Using the SPARC Author Addendum to secure your rights as the author of a journal article Freedom of Information at LSHTM The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
Summary Increases access to health research Can use ‘criticism and review’ exception for copyrighted materials Use templates to seek clearance for 'Research Paper Style Thesis' material and other uncleared material Redact uncleared material for online copy Embargo of up to 24months - decided with your supervisor Post viva version goes online Both redacted and un- redacted versions to be submitted ed once online if later need an embargo PDF format ideally CC-BY-NC-ND license Queries - contact us
Image credits 1. No known copyright restrictionshttp:// No known copyright restrictions 2. No known copyright restrictions - State Library of New South Waleshttp:// Some rights reserved by internet and Some rights reservedinternet and tacos 4. Some rights reserved by its*me*redhttp:// Some rights reservedits*me*red Some rights reserved by rights reservedPryere 6. Some rights reserved by lismhttp:// rights reservedlism 7. Some rights reserved by Roo Reynoldshttp:// rights reservedRoo Reynolds Some rights reserved by rights reservedmarsmet Some rights reserved by kenteegardinhttp:// rights reservedkenteegardin 10. Some rights reserved by Sam, Whttp:// rights reservedSam, W 11. No known copyright restrictions – Nationaal Archiefhttp:// Some rights reserved by hockadillyhttp:// rights reservedhockadilly 13. No known copyright restrictions – Museum of Photographic Arthttp:// No known copyright restrictions – Museum of Photographic Arthttp:// Some rights reserved by A. Diez rights reservedA. Diez Herrero 16. No known copyright restrictions – Australian War Memorial Collectionhttp://
Contact Library and Archives Service Copyright Guidance