The Search for Detente
Why? The end of the Cuban Missile Crisis: The Test- ban Treaty, 1963:both sides feared for a nuclear war which neither would win By 1970's both superpowers were suffering from economic difficulties and were ready to reduce military spending Relations between China and the US began to improve in 1971: The SU Determined to improve relations with The US Western European leaders favored détente: willy Brand from BRD for Ost – politic ( the end of the Hallstein doctrine)
Changes in leadership : Khrushchev dismissed, Bresnev became president of The SU in 1964, Kennedy assassinated in 1963 Some satellite states like Romania and Albania calling for the communist independence: a more independent foreign policy ( West- China): made The SU cautious and lenient towards the US
How? SALT 1 signed in 1972: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty to limited the number of long range missiles each side could have A Ceasefire in the Vietnam War in 1973 (other problems in the US: The Oil Crisis of 1973, Watergate Scandal in 1974: Nixon forced to resign in 1974) The Helsinki Accord in 1975 Two Germanies recognized each other in 1972
Set backs of the détente The Prague Spring of 1968 The Vietnam War :
1) The Background The Indochina War , Kennedy´s military solutions, The Cold war context and the Indochina situation, Containment and the Domino Theory ( Eisenhower- Kennedy- Johnson). Eisenhower´s New Look: Ho Chi Minh was seen as an instrument of international communism The Impact of the Korean war: the implementation of NSC 68: more money for the military and more money to the French in Vietnam ( The US were funding almost 80 % of the French military budget) Search for new alliances ; SEATO South East Asia Treaty ( Australia, New Zealand, Thaland, Philippines, Pakistan, US, FR, Britain) against the threat of communism
The Indochina War ; the French were finally defeated in Diem Bien Phu - the Geneva Agreement of : Vietnam divided into two along the 17th parallel ( Communists still controlled 2/3 country) and national elections coming up in two years.. - The US refused to sign the agreement, but promised not to break it by force, elections not be held: communists would have won any elections - the Growth of US involvement; catholic Diem appointed as prime minister, Kennedy´s military solutions
Kennedy’s Flexible Response Attacked ” the loss of China” Had supported McCarthy’s campaigns ” Vietnam was a cornerstone of the free world in Southeast Asia” ( K, 1956, p. 126) Dean Rusk and Robert MC Namara as advisors Increase in the US conventional military forces: The US should be ready to fight limited wasr in Asia and in Europe ( if needed)
Kennedyś military solutions, Increased economic aid and sent extra military advisors to South Vietnam: Search and Destroy- missions