India & Her Neighbours
Introduction Freedom – 15th August 1947 26th January 1950 – sovereign , democratic republic Jawaharlal Nehru – First PM – Chief architect of Indian foreign policy – “a policy which flows from our past, from recent history, from our national movement and from various ideas we have proclaimed.”
India’s foreign policy Based on certain principles – Promotion of world peace Freedom of all nations and abolition of imperialism and colonialism Racial equality Non – alignment and peaceful coexistence
India’s foreign policy History Ashoka – ahimsa or non – violence Mahatma Gandhi Today - No peace – mutual destruction Global village Violence – global conflict Peace leads to progress
India and her neighbours Basic concern – unity and integrity Neighbours – Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka Nehru – zone of peace in South Asia – mutual cooperation and understanding – non – interference and friendly relations through Panchsheel
Panchsheel Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity Non – aggression Non – interference in each other’s internal affairs Equality and mutual benefits Peaceful coexistence
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Established in 1985 – Dhaka Member nations – India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal April 2007 – 14th SAARC Summit – Afghanistan – 8th member Help the South Asian regions in working towards a common dream and common determination – solutions to common problems
SAARC Secretariat – Katmandu – Nepal – monitors, coordinates activities of SAARC Aims – To promote welfare of the people of South Asia and improve their quality of life To increase the pace of economic growth To promote social progress and cultural development
SAARC Achievements –sports , culture, transport Eg – South Asian Games – started in Katmandu in 1984 – held once in 2 years – promote friendship and goodwill Eg – SAVE – SAARC Audio – Visual Exchange Progamme – November 1987 – cultural awareness, conscious of problems and needs of a region SAVE programme – telecast and broadcast by all member countries on the first day of every month First SAARC festival - Delhi - 1992 – artisans, musicians and dancers – participate and exchange ideas with each other
SAPTA The South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement Signed in April 1993 To facilitate and promote regional economic cooperation among member states
SAFTA Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area Signed in January 2004 Create a ‘free trade area’ within the South Asian region
ASEAN The Association of South – East Asian Nations Established on 8th August 1967 in Bangkok Member countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand. Others who joined later are Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia Accelerate economic growth, social progress, cultural development Aims at promoting regional peace and stability in the region – respecting principles of justice and law of that region and adhering to principles of UN.
CONCLUSION India is the largest among the SAARC countries. Differences with neighbours – sharing of water, bouts of terrorism - maintaining peace is a challenge – bilateral negotiations Indian leaders have visited ASEAN countries – opened up avenues for economic activities. India has helped Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia in reconstruction and economic development ‘Live and let live’ – cooperation, common goals – understanding, friendship, goodwill