Craig Christensen March 5, 2009 Development Studies
An ecotone A transitional zone between two different ecosystems Areas where precipitation is high enough to sustain grass, but (sometimes) only a few trees. Occur between forested and desert areas.
* All occur in temperate regions (beyond 23.5 degrees North or South of the Equator.)
1.- Central/North America - Plains and Prairies 2.- Argentina - Pampas 3.- Hungary - Puszta 4.- Russia - Steppes 5.- Australia - Downs 6.- New Zealand - Downs 7.- South Africa - Veldts
Continental climate due to location Hot summers, up to 30°C, below freezing for up to six months continuous. Low ppt. ( mm annual) convectional rain in summer, snow in winter High evaporation rates in summer Periods of drought, and torrential rain can occur
Chernozem soils Thick humus layer Calcium carbonate deposits Leaching during spring (snowmelt), and capillary rise in summer Deeps roots and flat relief minimize erosion
Mainly grasses, with sparse bushes and trees Height of grass relates to amount of precipitation Vegetation is xerophytic and pyrophytic NPP = 600g/m 2 /yr Biomass = 1.6kg/m (low due to lack of trees)
Considering harsher climate, and lower availability of energy from primary producers, zoo-diversity quite low. Species include: Hoofed mammals (pronghorn, bison) Ground rodents (prairie dogs) Small carnivores (coyote, badgers, weasels) Decomposers crucial in mixing soil.
Largest reserve of nutrients is in Soil Very little lost to run-off and leaching Fire is important in returning nutrients to the soil.
Grass species include: Spear grass, wheat, barley, thread grass Many small bushes: Saskatoon, choke cherry, aster Being on the edge of the ecotone, isolated forest communities exist, especially in Northern and Eastern limits. Dedicious species : birch, willow, elder, aspen, poplar Coniferous species : Spruce
Local topography can affect ecosystem River valleys often have forest Occasional deserts in valleys (Badlands)
Climactic Hazards Convectional summer rainfall can cause damaging hail and occasional tornadoes Ex. Black Friday, summer ‘04 in Edmonton Extreme winter cold (down to -40°C) troublesome for keeping livestock
95% of original, natural prairie has been converted to agricultural land. Little natural prairie remains. Hunting of bison left only 250 wood bison at the end of the 19 th century Extinction and extirpation of many native species. Swift fox Introduction of pests Dandelion Colony Collapse disorder and bees 30-70% losses reported in Winter ’06- ’07 Bees add $15 billion to US economy; similar impact could be felt
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