CMAST I NSTALLER A Information for the CMAST Advisory TG November 1, 2013
O VERVIEW Since this installer includes the implementation of changes requested by the CMAST Advisory Task Group, we just want to take a few moments to outline the updates. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Decimals (up to two places) are now able to be used in the quantity field. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Total area has been added to the Label Certificate November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Product categories have been added. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Removal of supplier information on the first page –Included detailed information regarding ACE and ACE organzation November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Replaced IA information when Statistical Auditing Program automatically approves certificate November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Changed the Label Certificate to include component details November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
L ABEL C ERTIFICATE U PDATES Label certificate updates included: –Updated links in the Label Certificate. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
S UPPLEMENTAL I NFORMATION R EPORT (SIR) SIR is available only when the “Incl Suppl Info” box is checked. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a ! If you create a Label Certificate that does not have the box checked, you cannot go back and retrieve the data.
P AYMENT C HANGES With this release the requirement of payment prior to Label Certificate being available has been removed. The notifications will be removed with the next installer. Label Certificate fees will be billed via accounting, if payment has not been received. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
GUI C HANGES Ability to type in the number to select glass November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
GUI C HANGES Double clicking the frame member will open the frame configurator November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
N EXT I NSTALLER Intermediate step in glazing table to be removed November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
N EXT I NSTALLER Bid report changes – Phase 1 (Analysis) –Bid Report changes which include making the Bid Report available after the Label Certificate has been submitted. –Change square inches to square feet November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
N EXT I NSTALLER Batch Approval Processes –In the process of analysis, it was determined that more details are required from IAs. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
N EXT I NSTALLER IGDB Updates –In the generation of the updates for the current installer it was discovered that the Window 6 file is formatted differently therefore it is expected that the updates will be included in the next installer. November 1, 2013 CMAST Installer 1.2.9a
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