Making the most of London 2012 A guide to joining the Get Set network
Get Set: A quick introduction
A Games for young people – We want to stage inspirational Olympic and Paralympic Games that capture the imagination of young people around the world and leave a lasting legacy.
Get Set – the official London 2012 Education Programme
Olympic Values: RespectFriendshipExcellence
Paralympic Values: EqualityInspirationDeterminationCourage
Get Set is full of free resources that support you in delivering Values- related activities. By using these resources you will demonstrate the commitment to the Values required for joining the Get Set network. Free resources and great opportunities
The Get Set + area of the website contains a range of exciting projects delivered by London 2012 partners. All the resources, competitions and activities listed here are built around the Values and are therefore ideal ways to demonstrate your commitment. Get Set +
Get Set network
Step 1: Register with Get Set This gives you access to resources and competitions on Get Set, plus a monthly newsletter. Step 2: Join the Get Set network This gives you access to exclusive benefits and the most exciting rewards. There are two steps to participating with Get Set
Get Set network – rewards and recognition
London 2012 Ticketshare tickets Members of the Get Set network will receive tickets to the Games in Spring 2011.
A visible sign of your commitment to – and involvement in – the Games. The right to use the London 2012 education logo
A plaque, certificate and sticker for your school sign
An online application form with just three questions: –Why do you want to join the Get Set network? –What have you done so far that demonstrates a commitment to the Olympic and Paralympic Values? –What do you plan to do in the future? Submit the application via the Get Set website. How do I join the Get Set network?
–What are your existing objectives and priorities in school e.g. positive behaviour, promoting healthy lifestyles or global citizenship? –How can Get Set and the Values help you? –Linking your whole- school/college objectives to London 2012 could give them a higher profile and an inspirational context. Why do you want to join the Get Set network?
4 reasons for joining: 1.Increase learners’ understanding of, and engagement with, the Games. 2.Celebrate and build on the excellent partnership with Chadsgrove Special School. 3.Focus on community cohesion. 4.Become an even stronger hub for the local community – hosting a range of clubs and family learning events. Catshill Middle School, Worcestershire and the Get Set network
Work with Get Set resources – or come up with your own project ideas for how the Values can be brought to life for your students. What is unique about your school community that shows a commitment to the Values? We welcome your creativity! What have you done to demonstrate a commitment to the Values?
Assemblies based on the Values led by Young Ambassadors. Young Ambassadors also worked with a partner primary school to create a Values flag and an oath for a Year 4 mini Games festival. Linked with a school in Vancouver during the build up to the 2010 Winter Games. Values the focus in PE lessons during Diversity week. Themed workshops focusing on the ‘Enterprise of London 2012’. Kirk Hallam Community Technology College, Derbyshire and the Values
How can you progress and develop your work on the Values? How will you celebrate in 2012? Will you continue to work with the Values after the Games? What do you plan to do in the future?
Global Citizenship to be included in the school improvement plan. Continue links to a school in Barcelona. Values will provide the context for teaching and learning across the curriculum. Games page on the school website will be developed by the School Council. Millbank Primary School, Cardiff’s future plans
Log in to Get Set using your username and password. Go to ‘Your Space’ Select ‘Join the network’. Complete the form. Press submit. Completing the application form
Q I think I am already part of Get Set so do I need to join the network? A You may be registered with Get Set, but if you don’t have the Get Set network plaque and logo, it’s likely that you are not yet a member of the network, and you’re missing out on all the exclusive benefits. Why not raise this at the next staff meeting and find out if any of your colleagues are planning to submit an application?
Q I have forgotten my username and password so can’t log in to complete the form. A You can reset your password on the Get Set website. Go to the log in page and click on ‘Forgotten your password?’ Forgotten username (and password): Call or and ask for a reminder. FAQs
Q How long does it take to hear whether my application has been successful? A If you submit your application using the online application form, you should receive an to inform you of the outcome of your application within four weeks. If you submit your application using a paper or PDF form, it will take up to eight weeks to be assessed. FAQs
Q Once I join the Get Set network, what else can I do? A Keep your blog up to date and accurate – Get Set rewards are often distributed to network members on the strength of the blog. The more you demonstrate your commitment to the Values through your blog, the more likely you are to receive rewards and opportunities. FAQs