Salisbury St Ann’s Monthly Rainbows
How did it Happen? 2014 Going Guiding Conference focus was to increase the number of Rainbows being offered Guiding. A chance remark from Solange: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have Guiding happening in St Ann’s”. How could Wiltshire South help? Region’s strapline is Where Guiding Goes On… but no unit meets at the Region office itself Perhaps the new unit could…
How Many Rainbows On Join Us? Having looked at the data I found that in Sarum Division there was one Rainbow unit with TWENTY (!) girls waiting to join… I contacted the leader who confirmed that her meeting place could not cope with anymore children. Checked my diary – FULL! Or was it? I could squeeze in more guiding on a monthly basis on a Sunday afternoon. I contacted Region Office who were very willing to have Guiding happening in the building and every third Sunday was available 2-4pm.
Things to sort… I asked for adult help as I had not really worked with Rainbows regularly being a Brownie leader for a very LONG time. Next, I met with the County Rainbow Adviser who gave me some guidance in a fireside chat and visits to 2 local units. The Trefoil Guild had a lady wishing to get back into unit guiding and two Rainbow leaders offered to come along too. I sent out an invitation to all the girls’ parents listed and received 6 positive responses.
How Much? Termly subscriptions would be £20 per term plus an initial £25 to cover GGUK annual subscriptions. I applied to the Trefoil Guild for their new unit grant which bought the books, certificates & welcome badges. I applied to SWE Region for their new unit start up grant which bought a first aid kit, pens & pencils, leader tab, shirt, refreshments & `Roundabout Festivals`.
What Happened Next… Sunday 19 th March pm Following lots of s Six excited but nervous girls arrived eager to learn all about being a Rainbow and to join in the fun of Guiding!
St Ann’s Garden We introduced ourselves and played out in the sunshine with our new friends.
Four months later we were enjoying Guiding; ready to make our promise As you can see food features heavily in our meetings – we always have snack time. We have welcomed two new girls into the unit since March and hope more will join in the New Year.
Salisbury St Ann’s Rainbows June 2015 Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Promise Party