Endnote X1 & Hawaii Voyager Hawaii Voyager Users Meeting University of Hawaii at Manoa Library May 23, 2008
Where to Buy Endnote UH has a site license for faculty and students to purchase Endnote (PC or Mac) $25 individual $20 for each license in computer lab (5 or more)
Workshop Outcomes 1.Learn how to create an Endnote Library 2.Build your library using records imported from Hawaii Voyager via the Connection file 3.Add research notes to Endnote records 4.Enter in-text citations into Word document and create bibliography 5.Work with a traveling library in Word
Components of Endnote X1 Program How-To Guide (600+ pages) Training Examples
Connections & Filters Connection files for free open access databases Import Filters for licensed databases or databases you want to search using database interface
Connection Files Connection file for Hawaii Voyager
Edit > Connection Files Connection file settings Z39.50 IP address is Port number is 7090
Importing Connection Files enconnections.asp Endnote > Support & Services > Connection Files Download and move to Connections folder
Open the Endnote program
Create a Library
Give the Endnote Library a File Name
Every Endnote Library comprises an Endnote Library and a Data Folder Example: HVUG.enl and HVUG.Data To save the library you must save both the library and the data folder or you can save as a compressed library.enlx
Click on Online Search to connect to a library catalog.
Enter hawaii to find connection file for UH Click Choose
A new window pops up that allows you to search Hawaii Voyager by keyword anywhere, author, title, subject, and ISBN
Enter search terms Number of references found Click OK
Copy references to Endnote Library
Create Groups to Cluster Records
Add Up to 45 Figures or Files to a Record File or Object is stored in Data folder
Import filter for Voyager Web OPAC One can import Voyager records using an import filter rather than a connection file—to download a Voyager import filter go to: University of Auckland – Endnote/filters/VoyagerAU.enf
Importing References Select Endnote Format to format record for Endnote import; save as text file
Saved text file Import filter
Microsoft Word & Endnote MS Word should be loaded on your computer before you load Endnote Endnote will add an alias of the Cite While You Write (CWYW) application to MS Word Startup folder
Endnote functions are found under Word menu Tools
Word works with Endnote for in text citations and in creating a bibliography
In Text Citations—Traveling Library
Bibliography Created—Instant Formatting
Word >Tools >Endnote X1 >Format Bibliography Over 2000 Citation Styles
Sources for More Information endnote/endnote.htm University of Auckland Library uses Voyager and has up-to-date tutorials News about up-dates, new filters and connection files