Orchard Ridge Elementary December PTO
Greeting Name Tie to ORE
Toki Middle School Presentation Welcome/Introductions - Nicole Learning Targets - Nicole I can describe Toki Middle School highlights. I can identify at least one resource or person to contact if I have questions. I can tell others the date of Toki’s Orientation for Incoming 6th grade families. Review the “Toki Dragon Highlights”(Handout) - shared by staff presenting Student Voice - student reps Toki Website (Tokiweb.madison.k12.wi.us)Tokiweb.madison.k12.wi.us 6th Grade Orientation (flier) Q & A
INFORMATION ON GIRL SCOUTS Ellen New Membership Development Specialist Girl Scouts of Wisconsin - Badgerland Council
Update on School Improvement Plan Becky Kundert, Principal
Grant Application Update
Grant Applications Elmore Lawson: One World, One Sound Drum Circle Residency Using Visual Timers to Support Classroom Routines Audio books/listening station Sensory Learning Tools for the Classroom Tablets for the Library Program Independent Work: iPad Minis iPad Keyboards iPad for the Art room
Using Visual Timers in the Classroom Project Goals: To support the PBS Team’s work around Teaching Behavior, one element of the PBS Universal Circle. To give teachers an easy-to-use, high impact tool to support their practices around building clear routines, structures, and procedures within their classrooms. To support ORE student learners as they learn these classroom routines. To build systems for universal behavior expectations across the entire school. Amount Requested: $ Amount Awarded: $
Visual Timers in Action
Audio books/listening stations Project Description: 12 pairs of headphones 6 ipod shuffles Books and CD/audio books 3 drawer Sterlite container Amount Requested: $500 Amount Awarded: $350
Sensory Learning Tools for the Classroom Project Description: Purchase sensory learning tools for each 4K-5k grade classroom. Items to include in the learning tools bin: Headphones Squish Balls Bean Bags Sensory balls Thera-putty Kinetic Sand for sensory tables (4K classrooms) Visual Timers Bean Bag Chairs Amount Requested: $1, Amount Awarded: $1, Amount Spent: $786.74
Committee Updates Fundraising Committee Outreach Committee Events Committee Communication Committee