Solutions we found for integrating information literacy into the INTERLINK program
Collection Development of Physical Resources Issue: The collection was static with no input from the IEP and students couldn’t find the books Solutions: After discussions with IEP faculty, suggestions were made for graded readers and audiobooks The librarian moved the graded readers to a more favorable location and Made a list of each level of graded reader to make it easier for students to find The librarian will be tracking circulation data for assessment
Development of Digital Resources Issue: Librarian had created an online resource guide, but it was overwhelming, and the IEP faculty didn’t regularly use itonline resource guide Solutions: Both parties wanted to make this resource better but didn’t know how until communication As more instruction sessions were tailored to the levels, class pages emerged
Improving Library Instruction Sessions Issues: Library Instruction sessions were not focused or experiential enough Solutions: Pre-planning and post-debriefing Figuring out scaffolding of skills is essential, manageable bites One skill/focus per session This would require more than one session; no one shots Time to try the skill Direct application to an authentic project Continual Assessment
Addressing Plagiarism Issues Issue: Students only learned about plagiarism as a concept during the original one-shot library session, not with hands-on, experiential learning Solutions: After communicating issues, collaborated on students’ interests Librarian placed plagiarism games onto the online resource guide Librarian designed hands-on session where students deconstructed a former student’s bibliography page Evaluated the resources Determined which resources were appropriate
Citations and Paraphrasing Issue: Trouble with the concepts of creating citations and paraphrasing Solutions: The librarian created a session explaining the hows and whys of creating a bibliography IEP faculty will reinforce in class and in the grading of the assignment Both parties should allow the students to be a part of the discussion The students can learn paraphrasing though a hands-on workshop practice makes perfect
Training Students in Search Strategies Issue: IEP faculty are sometimes daunted by what becomes a very challenging task in helping students learn search skills Solutions: Identify how many skills are involved in effective searching Understand and remember the emotional hurdles for a native speaker, let alone a non-native speaker Recognize the strategies that have become unconscious Reach out to librarians to teach/learn search strategies Librarians are taught how to teach this Once it’s taught to the students, reinforce the ideas in class/assignments
The Politeness Factor Issue: IEP faculty feel like they cannot make suggestions on a librarian’s instruction session Solutions: Effective communication and collaboration You understand your students and know how they learn You can teach information literacy concepts as well Constant evolution and improvement The librarian wants an effective session as much as you do! But, the librarian doesn’t see the after effects of the instruction, and has to guess without communication and collaboration
Information Literacy and all Levels of the IEP Issue: The lower levels of the IEP’s program are ignored Solutions: Scaffolding of the curriculum Create meaningful, focused sessions on information literacy concepts Match up new tools and techniques to each level Create assignments that require knowledge of specific databases Further levels can reinforce these lessons Create a curriculum map with the librarian
Curriculum Mapping
Continuing Challenges International population is continually growing And INTERLINK students enter the program at different levels Requires enthusiasm on both sides Something that one party cannot control Logistics Specific to our collaboration: maternity leave Will need to have another librarian carry on with the program
Future Plans Relationship-building opportunities between librarians, IEP students and international students at the university Curriculum mapping and assessment for all levels Evolution of the instruction sessions Breaking the sessions down to even more focused activities Sharing more space Providing support for students who have skipped levels Sharing the information literacy More professional development IEP faculty learning information literacy Librarian learning the best ways to teach ESL students
What can a librarian do for you? ● Provide research instruction that teaches: ○ How to find and evaluate credible resources ○ The research process and formulating a research question ○ How not to plagiarize ● And much, much more!
So what can YOU do? Get in contact with your librarian! Invite the librarian to be a part of your program See information literacy as part of academic skills Know that teaching information literacy in your IEP is not insurmountable Be tenacious Share the burden Create experiential learning opportunities for information literacy Learn how to tap into the students’ interests Create opportunities to build a relationship with a huge support service