Unit 2 Manage Your Time and Stress Reading: Time Management Reading: Stress Management Discussion Assignment Seminar
Agenda for Seminar 2 Reminders Housekeeping Managing Time Managing Stress Case Study - Brent Discussion Assignment (Homework/course project)
Reminders Leah Smallwood ( Professor, Prof) AIM-lhsmllwd - Contact me for all curriculum and class related issues.
Housekeeping How did you do with turning in Homework? -You used Microsoft Word -You found the Syllabus and all the information -You made sure to upload the document and checked that it was -There (saw the paper icon) -The right document uploaded (Open it and check!) -Named correctly (Used appropriate naming conventions)
Dropbox Drop Box is your key to homework submittal and to review returned work with instructor comments….. Note the little paper Icon that shows that the work was submitted correctly. Now, click on it to check it ~ be sure it is what you meant to send.
When will I get my Grade??? Assignments (course projects) will be graded within five days of the due date. Discussion grades will be updated each week no later than Sunday of the week following the Unit’s completion.
Time Management
Make a Daily To-Do List Plan at least a week at a time for the best results.
Prepare your "To-Do" list -each morning -the night before List all the activities you wish to complete during the day Cross each one off as you complete it.
Mindtools Get the template!
Be Realistic~! You are HUMAN What can you actually accomplish? Break large tasks down into smaller tasks Build in extra time Plan -Plan
Think about this… What is your most optimal time?
Do you have time that is wasted?
What else can you do?
Prioritize!! ImportantUnimportant
Write down Goals! Where will you post these? -Someplace that you see often -Remind yourself why you are here -Review the list
Time for you---uninterrupted Ask for it Make it a team effort Be realistic Turn off the phone Lock the door
When you are there… BE THERE
Learn how to say… NO NO NO! I am sorry but I have other responsibilities that day. -I can do that only if you can take over doing… I’m flattered you asked but I know I couldn’t do the job well enough with my limited amount of free time. I would have been excited to do that last year but I have too many responsibilities now. Thank you for thinking of me. I’ll have to check my schedule, but in the interest of time, you may want to ask someone else. My schedule is full these days. Thanks for thinking of me but I am going to have to pass this time.
Have you thought of anything else?
Question Have you given any thought to the possibility that school will put an additional stressor in your life and how you might handle this?
STRESS Management
The amount of stress a person will experience is directly related to: The degree to which the stressor is present How the stressor is perceived
STRESS MANAGEMENT Chronic pain Isolation from friends and family Anxiety Depression Others?
STRESS MANAGEMENT meditation Hot bath Physical exercise Take a nap Go fishing Others?
Case Study
Case Study Group Exercise You have 10 minutes to brainstorm with your group and will use the PM to do so. Discuss possible answers to the case study questions. Each team will have a chair assigned to present their groups’ answers I will assign the teams so listen closely. There is no right or wrong answers. This activity is for you to interact with your classmates and learn from each other.
Ready, Set …. GO! 10 Minutes to Brainstorm using your PM!
Case Study The Case of Brent: Brent is a full-time office manager, and is married, with two children. He has just returned to college after taking a break for five years, and is taking two courses in his first term. He attended college right after high school, but dropped out for a number of reasons. Brent currently works 8-10 hour shifts, and is actively involved in his children's extracurricular activities and as a soccer coach for the community recreational league. Due to his busy schedule, Brent often has to struggle to find time to complete his school work and he feels as if his time is spent on everything else. He works on his assignments late into the night, missing his sleep. He's tired all the time, little things upset him, and his assignments are always late. Brent feels overwhelmed with school, his job, parental responsibilities, and coaching... Nothing seems to be going right for him and he is considering dropping out of school.
Case Study What are some of Brent’s sources of stress? What is the connection between stress management and time management? How important would a support system be in this case study?
Unit 2 Deliverables So what is due in Week 2?
Discussion this week Connection Between Time and Stress Management Explain why you feel that it is important to be aware of the connection between time and stress management. Give an example of a time you experienced stress due to poor time management. What could you have done differently?
DISCUSSION Check –Did you answer the question? -It is not uncommon for students to get a little off-track and forget to answer the question asked. Make sure this does not happen to you as it can affect your grade. Suggestion: Type it in Microsoft Word -This gives you time to think it through and to correct errors in spelling and/or grammar, which also can affect your grade.
Discussion and Participation go hand-in-hand You must post to the discussion board on at least three (3) days during the unit. To do this, make three or more postings during the week by posting your original post and then replying to 2 or more classmates showing *meaningful interaction. *Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and be 7 to 10 sentences or about 100 words in length. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
Homework Assignment this week
CS113 Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 2 Assignment: Time Management Name: Section: I nstructions: Download this document and save it to your computer before starting the assignment. Save the document as “YourName- CS113-Unit 2-Assignment” (YourName should be your first and last name. Example: “JohnDoe-CS113-Unit2-Assignment.doc”). Be sure to visit the web pages listed (click on the blue links). The links are also available in Unit 2 “Assignment” (see the left-hand navigation bar). Once you have completed the activities on the website listed, enter your answers. Click on a gray box and type to enter an answer. Fill in all of the gray boxes below. Check your answers to make sure they are appropriate. Submit the document to the Unit 2 Dropbox. A. Time Management Assessment Take the quick quiz at What was your score? Now take the quick quiz at and then respond to the following questions: How many hours did you have left for studying? Think about any areas in which you are spending too much time, and identify your top three time wasters: B. Evaluation: Write a short paragraph (minimum 4 sentences) about what you think you could do to improve your time management which in turn would lower your stress:
Homework Assignment this week Use the Assignment pages to find the materials and links You will be taking a look at your time management skills. You will visit two websites and be asked to fill in some answers to time management questions. You will then report your findings about your time management skills by writing a paragraph.
Homework Assignment this week Use Microsoft WORD (not Microsoft Word Works or other programs) Save using the naming conventions for this assignment given in the Assignment directions. Use the directions on page 4 of the Assignments for how to upload Check to make sure the paper icon is there and the document was successfully placed into the Drop Box Open the document to ensure you placed the right one in the Drop Box.
Don’t forget Your course is CS113 Your section number is 25 You need this information for your homework!
Questions? Any questions regarding the material covered today?