Steve Jobs
How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero is defined as a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities ( A hero is looked up to by others and someone who changed a persons life.
How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? If a hero faces conflicts in his/her life and overcomes those obstacles than that could influence the person in a positive way. If a hero encounters an antagonist and doesn’t get put down and rises up above the other person then that could change the development of a hero.
How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? In a society where there is a hero the society benefits from this person and the ideas of everyone changes. A hero also popularizes a particular place where the hero was born and raised. The place in some cases can become a tourist attraction.
How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? The geographical area can have a large impact on how a hero is brought up. For example if a person is from a hard working family than chances are they are a hard worker. If a person is brought up living in a city then their life is probably always busy and fast paced.
How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? In the anglo-saxon culture where Beowulf was brought up in, everyone was war like and they got rewarded from the battles they won. In our culture in America, heroes are greatly publicized for what they do. Television shows the great things that happen and also the bad.
How did Steve Jobs acquire such a knowledge for technology? He was mentored by his neighbor who was an electronics hobbyist (Markoff 5). As an eighth grader he discovered that a crucial part was missing from a frequency counter he was assembling. He then called the founder of the kit and then he offered Steve a summer job (Markoff 5) He met his future partner of apple, Mr.Wozniak, while taking an introductory electronics class in high school (Markoff 5). Enrolled at Reed College in 1972, but he left after one semester. He said he was consuming all of his parents savings (Markoff 6).
How did he influence society? Led the way people thought and accessed music, movies, handheld electronics and mobile devices in the digital age Defined the personal computer industry (Markoff 2).
How did his disease affect him? Remained the head of the company even as he underwent treatment, introducing new products (Markoff 2). In 2004 he received a liver transplant, which caused him to step down as chief executive. He was still engaged in the company’s affairs (Markoff 2).
What affect did his family have on his life? His family had little or no affect on his life. Steve’s biological parents put him up for adoption and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. His father worked in finance and real estate before returning to being a machinist (Markoff 5).
How did people feel after he passed away? The world mourned after his passing posting millions of comments on the apple website.