Netzwerk Teilchenwelt = Network Particle World A German Network on Particle Physics education and outreach funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Project leader: Michael Kobel Students project weeks – concept and example: “ATLAS Trigger Rate Processor” (Kaan Alp YAY) ATLAS Outreach Session, Julia Woithe
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt : much more than Masterclasses Research Projects Project weeks CERN- Workshops Projects of participants Teaching others, Cosmic projects Participation in Masterclasses particle physics Masterclasses (international or national) or astro particle Masterclasses Research projects CERN Workshops Projects of participants Organization of national Masterclasses Cosmic projects Participations in teacher‘s days, trainings Research projects Deepening the experience (CERN) Qualification Basic level students Teachers/trainers Participants per year (approx.)
Deepening the experience: Project weeks for students at CERN 2 weeks in October (for the 4 th time) stay and travel expenses funded by Netzwerk Teilchenwelt work on own research topics/measurements tutors: scientists at CERN + scientist at student‘s „home university“ = local contact of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt often extended to research papers as part of final school examinations or for youth research competitions Participants 2013 visiting the CCC Group of students at ATLAS 2
Overview over research topics
“ATLAS Trigger Rate Processor” (Kaan Alp YAY) Tutor at CERN: Ivana Hristova (HU Berlin) Aim of the project: Improvement of software for trigger monitoring (GUI for trigger rate) simulate new incoming data with old recorded data to simulate the performance and possible problems for RUN 2 in Necessary skills for programming: Linux, Bash- Script, C++, XML (student had almost no previous knowledge) Problems in current software version “nightly” discovered Trigger rate presenter ATLAS
Conclusion Great experience for students (all of them want to come back as summer students) Direct insights in research at CERN Optimal: win-win situation Tutors and research topics needed!!! 5
More information (english coming soon):