GdI/ICS 1 WS 2009/2010 Telecooperation/RBG Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser Dr. Guido Rößling Dr. Dirk Schnelle-Walka, Stefan Radomski
Contents ICS Portal Exercises and Homework Assignments Formal Stuff Contact Portal:
GdI/ICS Portal Portal:
GdI/ICS Portal II The central portal for all information about the lecture News Exercise sheets Forum Personal area Submitting homework assignments for grading Blog Your own blog (if you want to write one) …… …… Please check often for updates! Please use your correct and complete data for registering (name,...) The portal also contains these slides (you do not have to take any more notes…) Portal:
A typical lecture week… WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday nExercise X online n+1Deadline for homework X Exercises to exercise X Exercise sheets are provided in the GdI/ICS Portal Presence exercise part will be done during the exercise, guided by a tutor Additionally, each sheet has homework assignments These must be submitted and will be graded Submission deadline is always Fridays at 4 PM Submission is done using the GdI/ICS Portal Portal:
Consultation Hours There will be a consultation hour every day held by varying tutors (you find all details in the portal): Tutor: the date for the consultation hour will be determined in the first exercise Teachers: Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser: Wednesdays at 2:00-3:00 PM in room S2|02-A114 Dr. Guido Rößling: Wednesday 09:40-11:00 AM, room S2|02-A125 You can and should also pose your questions in the forum Portal:
Registering for an exercise group Also done within the portal Please use the link Simply register directly for the group you would like to join If you want to work with others in a learning group, simply register your friends with your own registration! Provided that the target group has enough remaining capacity And that your friends are registered in the course, but have not yet joined a group Please finish the registration by October 15, 2009 Portal:
Submitting your homework assignment Please visit the exercises! Find a learning group with which you can also cooperate outside the exercises You should not underestimate the benefits of this type of cooperation! Solve the homework assignments by yourself in your learning group!!! Plagiarism is taken very seriously at the TUD You submit your solutions electronically in the GdI/ICS Portal The correction is also done inside the portal (but not automatically) The earlier you submit your solution, the earlier you will get feedback and can benefit from the corrections! Portal:
Steps for Submitting Your Homework 1. Access the portal in your preferred web browser 2. Log in using your user name 3. Choose the course “Introduction to Computer Science I, Winter 2009” 4. Click on the assignment you want to submit Of course, this is only possible once open assignments exist! 5. Upload your solution file (you may have to put multiple files in a ZIP archive) 6. The tutor will examine and grade your solution 7. You can access your grades in the portal Portal:
What else does the GdI/ICS Portal offer? Forum Asking and answering questions Blog „Tell the world about yourself “ Also contains a „teacher‘s blog“ (linked as „Guido’s Blog“) Surveys and Polls Articles and News Please check back often!!! Portal:
Formal Stuff „Fasten seat belt“ Portal:
The simple approach… If you plan… to solve all homework assignments, to participate in the exams and pass them, and to pass the lab… …then you essentially do not need to know the following details Portal:
Exam Rules for GdI/ICS Part I - three parts (changed compared to Winter 2008 / Summer 2009) Homework assignments Exam I: Satuday December 12, :00 – 12:00 Topics: only Scheme Final lab: tentatively scheduled for February 22 to March 5, 2010 Duration: 2 weeks When: after the lecture has ended Groups of 4 students Start looking for possible partners early on! Bachelor Module Exam ICS 1 - one part (changed compared to Winter 2008/Summer 2009) Exam II: scheduled for March 29, 2009 Covers all topics of the lecture, about 40% Scheme : 60% Java Portal:
Overview Exam Qualification for ICS 1 Required for registration Exam March 29 ≥ 50 Points Passed final exam for ICS 1 Total of ≥ 180 Points Exam Qualification for ICS 1 Homework ≥ 50 points Project ≥ 50 points Exam Dec. 12 ≥ 35 points Portal:
Questions during the Lecture The best approach is to task open questions during the lecture in the portal Please look for the most appropriate forum: Forum about the lecture: for questions concerning slides, typos,... Forum about the organisation of ICS 1: for questions relating to the organisation and grading We will also track the portal during the lecture and try to address your questions Since we are also holding a lecture at the same time, the answer may be delayed somewhat. Portal:
Questions During the Lecture Download the interaction client TVremote (requires Java!) This is a simple tool for submitting questions during the lecture All questions arrive directly at the teacher‘s computer We will try to address them during the lecture By sending you an reply By addressing them during the lecture By sending you an reply after the lecture By posting them to the Portal Although you log in using your RBG account, questions are anonymized We do not know who asked which question Do not hesitate to ask – even asking a „stupid“ questions is more clever than not asking Portal:
Contact You should first consult the GdI/ICS Portal Articles Forum Blogs Google Other students Please post problems and their solution in the GdI/ICS Portal Do not post solutions or parts thereof to assignments that are still open! We will delete or (heavily) edit such entries once we see them. If all this fails… ask your tutor! Consultation hours Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser: Wednesday 2:00-3:00 PM, room S2|02-A114 Dr. Guido Rößling: Wednesday 09:40-11:00 AM, room S2|02-A125 Portal: