Financial Rep Meeting November17, 2009
Agenda Opening Remarks ……………………………………………………… 8:30 – 8:45 Ralph Alvarez Procure-to-Pay ………………………...…………………………………… 8:45 – 9:35 Dawn Snyder, Roberta McManus & Karen Gibson Budget & Accounting ………………………………………………… 9:50 – 10:40 Roberta McManus, Michael Lake & Judd Enfinger Reports & Queries..……………….…………………………………… 10:55 – 11:45 Judd Enfinger 2
Source: 2009 Higher Education Directory 1Arizona State University68,897 2The Ohio State University Main Campus52,568 3University of Florida51,725 4University of Minnesota - Twin Cities50,883 5University of Texas at Austin50,170 6University of Central Florida48,699 7Texas A&M University46,542 8Michigan State University46,045 9University of South Florida45,524 10University of Washington43,920 11Penn State University Park42,294 12University of Wisconsin-Madison42,041 13New York University41,783 14University of Michigan-Ann Arbor41,042 15Florida State University40,555 Top 25 Largest Universities by Fall 2007 Enrollment 5
Source: 2009 Higher Education Directory Top 25 Largest Universities by Fall 2007 Enrollment 15Florida State University40,555 16Purdue University Main Campus39,102 17Indiana University Bloomington38,990 18University of California-Los Angeles38,896 19Florida International University38,182 20University of Arizona37,217 21University of Cincinnati Main Campus36,518 22University of Maryland College Park36,014 23San Diego State University35,695 24California State University-Northridge35,446 25California State University-Fullerton35,188 6
Important! 7
Very Important! 8
Work as an Activity and Working at FSU 9
Topical Sessions Format Current Topics & Events (10-15 minutes) Q&A with a panel of experts! (35-40 minutes) 10
Other Housekeeping Items 15 minute break between sessions Q&A Process - raise your hand, get recognized Materials will be available on the web ◦ Will include a summary of the Q&A sessions A follow-up survey will be ed to the FinRep listservFinRep listserv 11
Agenda Opening Remarks ……………………………………………………… 8:30 – 8:45 Ralph Alvarez Procure-to-Pay …………………………………………………..………… 8:45 – 9:35 Dawn Snyder, Roberta McManus & Karen Gibson Budget & Accounting ………………………………………………… 9:50 – 10:40 Roberta McManus, Michael Lake & Judd Enfinger Reports & Queries..……………….…………………………………… 10:55 – 11:45 Judd Enfinger 12
Current Topics & Events ePayables New AVIS Contract P-Card updates Non-duty Stipend/Research Participants Payments eMarket Goods & Services Procurement Guide Procure-to-Pay14
ePayables Check out the ePayables websiteePayables website Ledger Summary example: Ledger Detail example: Always search for your cash balance by typing in Account Code ‘11%’ If you see a payment reference ID (“check” number) that begins with a 7 or an 8 and have questions, please or call the AP office Procure-to-Pay15
New AVIS Contract A summary of the new Avis contract has been posted to the Travel website Travel website The new contract is effective until 2014 AVIS has added a passenger van and a standard SUV to the contract – both are to be used only if you have multiple travelers or are transporting a large quantity of materials When you are renting an AVIS vehicle using a Travel Card and a wizard number, update your profile with Avis to include FSU’s tax exempt information. This will prevent you from having to seek sales tax credits from Avis on T-Card car rental. Procure-to-Pay16
P-Card Updates New Purchasing Card BlackBoard site contains a variety of useful information ◦ Pcard UPK training ◦ Faxes pending for Hummingbird ◦ Monthly reconciliation packets ◦ A job aid on how to enroll in this site is availablejob aid Pcard holder and proxy listserv availablelistserv Procure-to-Pay17
Non-duty Stipend Payments Students enrolled at FSU Post Doctoral candidates Do not require services be provided in return Updated Non-duty Stipend Form available onlineonline ◦ Students charge Account Code = ◦ Post Docs charge Account Code = Foreign Individuals receiving non-duty payments ◦ Process through payroll ◦ Charge Account Code = Excluded from F&A base NOT reported on Form 1099 MISC Types of Non-Duty payments ◦ Scholarships ◦ Fellowships ◦ Tuition Procure-to-Pay18
Research Participant Payments Students or non-students Incentives to individuals ◦ Subjects ◦ Trainees ◦ Collaborator Approved human subjects protocol – PI responsible for ensuring participant experience and payment comply New Research Participant Request Form available onlineonline ◦ Charge Account Code = (included in F&A base) ◦ Charge Account Code = (excluded from F&A base) Foreign individuals receiving participant payments ◦ Process through payroll ◦ Charge Account Code = ◦ Reported on Form 1042S, if applicable Procure-to-Pay19
Currently 18 contract suppliers in eMarket New contracts in the works for eMarket ◦ AirGas (industrial/specialty cylinder gases) ◦ Agilent Technologies (life sciences & chemical analysis product lines) ◦ Henry Schein (general athletic, medical and dental supplies) ◦ Marpan (lamps: incandescent, fluorescent, etc.) ◦ Dade Paper (tissue, paper towels) ◦ Goal to implement even more; us your suggestions us Do not use split distributions for eMarket orders Items purchased for $1,000 or more that will last for at least one year should have an OCO category code ◦ To change a category code from Expense to OCO see the eMarket Requestor job aid, starting on page 18eMarket Requestor job aid eMarket Updates Procure-to-Pay20
A Purchasing Services Goods & Services Procurement Guide is onlineGoods & Services Procurement Guide New Contracts Recently Added ◦ A/V equipment ◦ Blackboards/display boards ◦ Book binding services ◦ Lamps (incandescent, fluorescent, halide, halogen) ◦ Library materials ◦ Printing/mailing services (in-house) Goods & Services Procurement Guide Procure-to-Pay21
Q&A Panel of Experts Karen Gibson – Purchasing Services Riley Kinney – Controller’s Office, Disbursement Services Roberta McManus – Sponsored Research Accounting Services Nancy Milburn – Purchasing Services Dawn Snyder – Controller’s Office, Disbursement Services 22Procure-to-Pay
Agenda Opening Remarks ……………………………………………………… 8:30 – 8:45 Ralph Alvarez Procure-to-Pay ……………………….…………………………………… 8:45 – 9:35 Dawn Snyder, Roberta McManus & Karen Gibson Budget & Accounting ………………………………………………… 9:50 – 10:40 Roberta McManus, Michael Lake & Judd Enfinger Reports & Queries..……………….…………………………………… 10:55 – 11:45 Judd Enfinger 24
Current Topics & Events American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) – “stimulus” ◦ Sponsored Research ◦ E&G Ledger Reconciliations New Credit Card Processing Policy 25Budget & Accounting
ARRA Sponsored Research 64 awards totaling $25.2 million as of November 16, 2009 Fund 521 created for ARRA sponsored projects Reporting requirements ◦ Over 132 required data elements to be reported on ◦ ARRA requirements are in addition to individual award reporting (DO NOT replace normal reports) ◦ Notify Sponsored Research if subcontracts or major vendor purchases are anticipated ◦ FSU as prime recipient – reporting due by10 th of month following calendar quarter end Subcontracts under prime award will have unique terms and conditions ◦ FSU as sub recipient (subcontracted) – reporting due dates and requirements will be addressed on a case by case basis and coordinated with the PI as appropriate 26Budget & Accounting
ARRA – Sponsored Research PI Responsibilities Submit initial report to Sponsored Research to include award description and location ◦ Due upon acceptance of award Submit quarterly reports to Sponsored Research ◦ Include status of work completed ◦ Also include a cumulative description of the activities accomplished since the inception of the award, inclusive of first-tier subcontract activities ◦ Due to Sponsored Research on or before the last day of every calendar quarter until the expiration date of the award (September 30, December 31, March 31, June 30) ◦ Submit even if funds have not yet been expended Forms are available onlineonline 27Budget & Accounting
ARRA – Sponsored Research SRAS Reporting Responsibilities Quarterly life-to-date expenditure reconciliations Jobs data (types & EFTs) ◦ Created ◦ Retained Vendor payments Subcontractor / major vendor reporting Actual (electronic) submission of reports 28Budget & Accounting
ARRA – E&G Please review carefully the memorandum on the Budget Office websitememorandum Valid request on file with Budget Office Compliance with spending guidelines and reporting Spend the money by June 30, 2010 New OMNI Fund numbers for ARRA funds 29Budget & Accounting
Office of Budget & Analysis Website Please visit our updated website for a wealth of information for Budget Managers and departmental financial representatives! 30Budget & Accounting
Ledger Reconciliations A crucial internal control process ◦ Not specifically required by University policy, but necessitated by sound business practice ◦ Recent audit findings have indicated that some departments do not reconcile on a regular (monthly) basis Training classes available ◦ Offered monthly by the Controller’s Office, Quality Assurance department ◦ Provide tips, assistance and best practices in performing reconciliations ◦ Class materials, forms, etc. are available on the Controller websiteController website 31Budget & Accounting
Ledger Reconciliations Backup Documentation Quality Assurance has been working with campus units to try and improve the availability of backup documentation Specifically, working with Facilities, Business Services and General Accounting Facilities work order details are currently available online New BlackBoard Organization – ‘Facilities’ Contact Debra West to gain accessDebra West Charges available for July 2009 forward (click on ‘Dept Charges’ link) Should tie to ‘OFM’ journals on ledger Additional details available for fuel purchases PDF file should be available by 3 rd to 5 th business day of following month 32Budget & Accounting
New Credit Card Processing Policy New policy OP-D-2-G – Pertains to all departments that “process, transmit or store confidential cardholder information.”OP-D-2-G Policy states that card processing departments must: ◦ Be compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) ◦ Be a Controller’s Office approved Cash Collection Point ◦ Make arrangements to accept cards through SFS ◦ Ensure that before employees work with cards or access cardholder data they Complete SFS Payment Card Security Training Comply with the University’s background screening requirements New Payment Card BlackBoard organization (PCI Training) ◦ Established to assist departments in complying with this policy ◦ Contact Alyn Minnerly, SFS Credit Card Manager, for accessAlyn Minnerly 33Budget & Accounting
Q&A Panel of Experts! Alvaro Bernal – Controller’s Office, Accounting Services Judd Enfinger – Controller’s Office, Quality Assurance Michael Lake – Budget Office Roberta McManus – Sponsored Research Accounting Services Rick Oakley - Sponsored Research Accounting Services Glenn Scanlan – Controller’s Office, Student Financial Services 34Budget & Accounting
Agenda Opening Remarks ……………………………………………………… 8:30 – 8:45 Ralph Alvarez Procure-to-Pay …………………………………………………………….. 8:45 – 9:35 Dawn Snyder, Roberta McManus & Karen Gibson Budget & Accounting ………………………………………………… 9:50 – 10:40 Roberta McManus, Michael Lake & Judd Enfinger Reports & Queries..……………….…………………………………… 10:55 – 11:45 Judd Enfinger 35
Current Topics & Events New OBI Trend Ledgers Conversion to FSUSN Departmental (FSU_DPT) Queries Controller’s Office FAQs Departmental Business Management Guide 37Reports & Queries
OBI Trend Ledgers Two new ledger trend reports Both reflect actual ledger balances (not budget) Three Year Trend Report ◦ Reflects balances by account through the Accounting Period and Fiscal Year entered ◦ Also displays balances through that same Period for the previous two Fiscal Years ◦ Excellent management tool for analysis of spending patterns, budgeting and planning Month-by-Month Trend Report ◦ Ledger balances by account for each Accounting Period of the Fiscal Year entered ◦ Good tool for high level analysis of ledgers and identification of potential errors 38Reports & Queries
FSUSN Conversion New Primary Identifier Policy OP-H-12 released this year calls for the elimination of SSN as a primary identifier at FSUOP-H-12 Student Systems are now utilizing FSUSN as primary identifier in cashiering transactions ◦ FSUSN populated in ‘Group ID’ field in SFS system since 7/1/2009 for applicable deposits ◦ ‘Group ID’ included in all FSU_DPT queries that historically showed ‘Lockbox Payment ID’ ◦ ‘Group ID’ appears on OMNI and OBI Departmental Detail Ledgers ‘Lockbox Payment ID’ to be eliminated from Departmental Ledgers / queries 11/30/ Reports & Queries
FSUSN Conversion (cont.) What if my department still needs access to SSNs for reconciliations? ◦ Comply with exemption request provisions in OP-H-12 H (obtain DDDH approval in writing and notify Audit Services)OP-H-12 H ◦ Request new OMNI security role FSU_SECURITY_QUERY_SFS_SECURE (available now) via eORReORR ◦ All public queries currently containing ‘Lockbox Payment ID’ will be renamed to end in ‘_SEC’ and will be available to those with this role 40Reports & Queries
Departmental (FSU_DPT) Queries FSU_DPT_VERIFY_SECURITY_ROLES ◦ Shows all non-default OMNI security roles by employee or all employees assigned to a particular role ◦ Roles should be reviewed on a regular (at least quarterly) basis to verify employees do not have improper access ◦ Can also be run by role if need to determine which employee(s) in department have a certain ability (e.g. to ID travel approvers) FSU_DPT_TE_MY_WALLET_CHGS ◦ Use to monitor TCard charges that have not yet been entered on an expense report ◦ Departments should track this activity and ensure all charges have been entered on an ER within four business days Department prompt in both queries is based on HR “home” department 41Reports & Queries
Other Useful Departmental (FSU_DPT) Queries FSU_DPT_PCARD_TRANS_INFO ◦ Formerly available as FSU_PCARD_TRANS_INFO ◦ Use to get vendor detail of ‘FIA Card Services’ charges on Ledger FSU_DPT_AM_NBV_% - Four separate queries show Cost, Depreciation and Net Book Value info for all departmental assets, just retired assets, and transfers in & out FSU_DPT_CTR_INST_ANNUAL_EXP – Created for Centers and Institutes to be able to obtain summarized annual operating expenditure information to assist with their year-end BOG reporting. FSU_DPT_TRIAL_BALANCE – A quick/easy way to view a departmental trial balance (aka ledger) Run to HTML allows you to see prompts and columns available Complete list of FSU_DPT queries available on Controller’s Office websiteController’s Office website 42Reports & Queries
Controller’s Office FAQs Frequently asked questions and answers in a variety of areas have been added to the Controller’s Office website in recent months Frequently asked questions and answers ePayables – Covers questions vendors might ask about this new payment method Property Accounting ◦ General Information ◦ Acquisitions ◦ Dispositions & Surplus Property ◦ Inventory ◦ Vehicles Student Financial Services – Provides FAQs on departmental deposits as well as an ‘A to Z Guide’ to SFS Tax Administration ◦ Sales Taxes ◦ UBIT 43Reports & Queries
Departmental Business Management Guide Designed as a “one stop shop” for departmental managers and financial reps to find info on fiscal and administrative responsibilities Does not contain detailed procedures/instructions Instead, summary guidance on sound business practices and internal controls Contains a number of specific topics, each of which contains the following sections ◦ Overview ◦ University Guidelines ◦ Internal Controls ◦ Departmental Responsibilities ◦ Resources (e.g. links to detailed P&P, applicable administrative websites, forms & reports, training information / job aids, etc.) 44Reports & Queries
Departmental Business Management Guide (cont.) General guidance on internal controls and fraud prevention More specific info on a wide variety financial and administrative topics ◦ Asset Management ◦ Budget & Finance ◦ Cash & Treasury Management ◦ Information Systems Access ◦ Payment/Credit Card Processing (coming soon) ◦ Payroll ◦ Purchasing & Disbursements ◦ Taxes Will continue to update and add to the guide over time Available online and as a downloadable and searchable PDF fileonlinePDF file 45Reports & Queries
Q&A Panel of Experts! Alvaro Bernal – Controller’s Office, Accounting Services Judd Enfinger – Controller’s Office, Quality Assurance Karen Gibson – Purchasing Services Michael Lake – Budget Office Roberta McManus – Sponsored Research Accounting Services Andrea McPherson – ERP Byron Menchion – ERP Dawn Snyder – Controller’s Office, Disbursement Services 46Reports & Queries
Thanks for Attending! Please sign in Materials available on the web at Financial Rep Listserv (Finrep) ◦ Please sign up to receive notifications about future meetings ◦ Other important announcements (e.g. new reports, year-end calendars, new training and job aids, etc.) ◦ Please fill out the follow-up survey ed to the FinRep listserv! 47Reports & Queries