SALTO TC Unemployment Guimaraes, Portugal Youth in action
Openness to ALL young people “The Commission and the participating countries will ensure that particular efforts are made with regard to young people who, for educational, social, physical, psychological, economic, cultural or geographical reasons, have particular difficulties taking part in the programme.” continuation of “Inclusion Strategy”
Priorities - permanent European citizenship Participation of young people Cultural Diversity Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
Objectives Foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries Develop solidarity and tolerance to promote social cohesion Promote active European citizenship Enhance the quality of youth support systems Support European co-operation in the youth field Mobility Non-formal Education
5 Implementation of the Programme European Commission DG EAC Youth in Action Unit National Agencies Decentralised Actions (85%) Executive Agency Centralised Actions (15%) National Authorities Support structures: - SALTO YOUTH Resource Centres - Eurodesk network
Actions Action 1 - Youth for Europe Action 2 - European Voluntary Service Action 3 - Youth in the World Action 4 - Youth workers and support systems Action 5 – Support for policy cooperation
Action 1 – Youth for Europe 1.1. Youth exchanges 1.2. Young people’s initiatives 1.3. Youth democracy projects Pilot projects on thematic networking
Action 2 - European Voluntary Service European Voluntary Service with Programme Countries International cooperation with Partner Countries Individual and group activities with up to 100 volunteers.
Action 3 – Youth in the World Youth exchanges, youth worker exchanges, training, networking, cooperation, innovation in youth work: 3.1. Cooperation with the neighbouring countries of the enlarged Europe – Youth exchanges (1.1) – Training and networking projects (4.3) – Minimum one EU Member state 3.2 Cooperation with other countries (not covered by the neighbouring policy) – Priority to Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, and Asia
Action 4 – Youth workers and support systems 4.1. Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth 4.2. Support for the European Youth Forum 4.3. Training and networking of youth workers 4.4. Projects encouraging innovation and quality 4.5. Information activities for young people and youth workers 4.6. Partnerships 4.7 Support for the structures of the programme 4.8 Valorisation of the programme
4.3 Training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations – Objective 1: Promote exchanges, cooperation and training in European youth work – Objective 2: Supporting project-development under the Youth in Action Programme
4.3 – eligible activities Job shadowing Feasibility visits Evaluation meetings Study visits Partnership-building activities Seminars Training courses Networking
Action 5 – Support for European cooperation in the youth field 5.1 Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy 5.2. Support for activities to bring about better understanding and knowledge of the field of youth 5.3. Co-operation with international organisations