LI: To practice using adverbs to improve sentences Steps to Success… Be able to demonstrate using different adverbs Be able to pick suitable adverbs from a selection to improve sentences Be able to identify adverbs and verbs in a text and use new vocabulary
Today we are going to practice using ………..
What is an adverb?
An adverb tells you more about / describes (ADJECTIVE) a doing word (VERB) It tells you WHERE, WHY, or HOW much something happens or is done. ADJECTIVE + VERB = ADVERB (It describes the verb)
Many adverbs are made by adding –ly onto the end of an adjective. Kind The boy kindly carried the old lady’s bags. Strange It was strangely quiet in the village.
Can you make a sentence using one of these adverbs? Share your sentence with a partner. Make sure you know which word in your sentence is the VERB (the doing word) CHALLENGE!
Adverbs can also tell you WHEN something happens. Our friends arrived yesterday. The holidays will soon be over.
Can you make a sentence using one of these adverbs? Write your sentence on a post-it note. Underline the adverb you have chosen and circle the verb. Like this…….. CHALLENGE! ver b
Great! Now you can try to use adverbs to make your writing more interesting.
Activities Mrs Lowry’s group; Speaking & Listening activity CHALLENGE! Create your own sentence using one of the adverbs on your list. Write it in your literacy books. ‘L’ table group; Choose a suitable adverb from the box for 5 of the sentences. Write them out in your literacy books. CHALLENGE! Can you challenge yourself to underline the adverb and circle the verb for each sentence? Hexagon group; Read the article on the Mary Rose. Underline the adverbs and circle the verbs, there are 10 of each! CHALLENGE! Look up any new words in the dictionary and make a note of their meaning. Can you make up new sentences using each of the new words to show your understanding? verb verbs