LHC CMS Upgrade Project CD-1 Alternative Selection and Cost Range Steve Webster Federal Project Director August 26, 2013 CD-1 Executive Session
2 Outline Alternatives Analysis ES&H Key Performance Parameters Project Management Organization Work Breakdown Structure Cost, Funding & Schedule Integrated Project Team CD-1 Prerequisites Project Complexities Conclusion
Alternatives Analysis Alternatives are Limited LHC is the only collider with sufficient energy and luminosity to create Higgs Bosons The detector need to be upgraded The Mission Need Alterative Analysis focused on Funding Alternatives: DOE and NSF continue to work together, with DOE/HEP as the lead agency DOE/HEP engage in a partial and independent support of the effort No action 3
Environment, Safety & Health The Project has assigned a ES&H manager A safety assessment was performed and it was determined that work done at Fermilab will be covered under the existing ISM Program A Preliminary Harard Analysis Report has been prepared for work performed at Fermilab All equipment delivered to CERN will comply with applicable CERN requirements 4
Draft Key Performance Parameters 5 HCAL Threshold KPPObjective KPP Complete production of the HCAL Front End and Back End electronics. Installation of the HCAL Back End electronics and connection to the Calorimeter trigger. Test stand integration of the HCAL electronics and demonstration of the full design functionality. Demonstration that the HCAL Front End Electronics is ready to install. Complete production of the HCAL Front End and Back End electronics. Complete installation and checkout of the HCAL Front End electronics in the CMS detector. Installation of the HCAL Back End electronics, connection to the calorimeter trigger, and integration with the CMS data acquisition system. Demonstration of the full design functionality.
Draft Key Performance Parameters(Cont.) FPIX Threshold KPPObjective KPP 6 Complete four half cylinders, each with three disks. System is demonstrated by read out in test stand at CERN and turned over to CMS Technical Coordination to install. Four half cylinders, each with three disks and mechanical components for a spare half disk. System is demonstrated by read out in test stand at CERN and turned over to CMS Technical Coordination to install.
Draft Key Performance Parameters(Cont.) Trigger Threshold KPPObjective KPP 7 Demonstration of 98% agreement between upgrade trigger electronics at CERN and software emulation of this electronics through test pattern injection based on data taken after LS1, followed by demonstration of reduction of calorimeter and endcap muon trigger rates for electrons, photons, muons and taus with respect to the present system by a factor of two for a reduction of less than 15% in efficiency using the trigger emulator run on data taken after LS1. Incorporation of unganged ME1/1a data into the endcap muon trigger logic. Demonstration of 99.5% agreement between upgrade trigger electronics at CERN and software emulation of this electronics through test pattern injection based on data taken after LS1 followed by demonstration of reduction of calorimeter and endcap muon trigger rates for electrons, photons, muons and taus with respect to the present system by a factor of two for a reduction of less than 10% in efficiency using the trigger emulator run on data taken after LS1. Calorimeter Trigger electron and photon position resolution improved. Incorporation of unganged ME1/1a data into the endcap muon trigger logic.
Project Mgmt Organization 8
Work Breakdown Structure 9 WBS#WBS NAME 1 Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Detector Upgrade Project 1.1Project Management 1.1.1Project Milestones and Interfaces 1.1.2Project Management and Administration 1.1.3Project Controls and Finance 1.1.4Project Office Support 1.2Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) 1.2.1HCAL Milestones and Interfaces 1.2.2HCAL Management 1.2.3HF Frontend 1.2.4HB/HE Frontend 1.2.5HCAL Backend 1.3Forward Pixel Detector (FPIX) 1.3.1FPIX Milestones and Interfaces 1.3.2FPIX Management 1.3.3FPIX Components 1.3.4FPIX Assembly and Testing 1.3.5FPIX Pilot System 1.4Trigger 1.4.1Trigger Milestones and Interfaces 1.4.2Trigger Management 1.4.3Muon Trigger 1.4.4Calorimeter Trigger
Planned Funding (AY $M) 10 Fiscal Year FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 Total ($M) OPC Design TEC (MIE) PED Construction Total Project Cost ($M) Contingency is $9.0M, 37% (39% of work remaining)
Proposed CD Schedule 11 MilestoneTypical Float CD-4 14 months (25%) Level 1 milestones—Acquisition Executive2 months for the CDs Level 2 milestones—Federal Project Director6 months Level 3 milestones—Project Manager3 months Level 1 MilestoneSchedule CD-0 Approve Mission Need9/18/12 (actual) CD-1 Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range1 st Qtr FY14 CD-2 Approve Performance Baseline2 nd Qtr FY14 CD-3 Approve Start of Construction 4 th Qtr FY14 CD-4 Approve Project Completion (defined as delivery of components) 1 st Qtr FY20
Integrated Project Team 12 IPT established and functioning Membership –Simona Rolli, DOE Program Manager –Saul Gonzales, NSF Program Manager –Steve Webster, Federal Project Director, Chair –Alan Harris, Deputy Federal Project Director –Joel Butler/Steve Nahn, Project Manager –Erik Gottschalk, Deputy Project Manager –Aaron Dominguez, NSF Principle PI/Deputy PM –Others as needed, for example: ES&H, contracting & procurement
CD-1 Prerequisites 13 Acquisition Strategy—submitted for signature Preliminary Project Execution Plan—submitted for signature Integrated Project Team—chartered and functioning, led by FPD Risk Management Plan—completed One-for-one Replacement for Building square footage—NA Preliminary Hazard Analysis—completed Conceptual Design/Report—completed High Performance & Sustainable Building—NA Environmental documents/permits—Categorical Exclusion signed Independent Project/Design Review—July Integrated Safety Management Plan—completed Quality Assurance Program Plan—completed Safeguards and Security Requirements—included in PPEP
Project Complexities DOE/NSF/CERN Coordination CERN Schedule DOE Funding Profile 14
Conclusion 15 ESH&Q being integrated into design Project management team is in place 37% contingency in DOE TPC point estimate Current cost estimate from resource-loaded schedule is within cost range DOE TPC CD-1 cost range is $29.2M to $35.9M (CD-0 cost range was $22M to $34M) CD-1 prerequisites met Roadmap to CD-2 developed and progress will be reported at IPT and other project meetings Recommend CD-1 Approval