Congratulations ! You have earned a National Career Readiness Certificate
The National Career Readiness Certificate is composed of three WorkKeys® assessments that measure skills critical to on-the-job success: - Applied Mathematics - Reading for Information - Locating Information It is awarded at four levels—Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze—based on an individual’s performance on the assessments —just like the Olympics WHAT IS THE CERTIFICATE? …and How Did I Earn It?
WHAT IS THE CERTIFICATE? …and How Did I Earn It? You earned your certificate as part of the MME—Day 2
Core employability skills for approximately 30% of jobs Core employability skills for approximately 65% of jobs Core employability skills for approximately 85-90% of jobs Core employability skills for approximately 99% of jobs WHAT IS THE CERTIFICATE? …and How Did I Earn It?
Certificate Levels
Applied Mathematics Locating Information Reading for Information
Essential Skills based on Analysis of 5,760 Jobs September 2003 to August 2008 Locating Information (84.9%) 4,892Reading for Information (80.5%) 4,637Applied Mathematics (74.6%) 4,298Observation (69.6%) 4,0082,170 Teamwork1,058 Applied Technology996 Writing814 Listening 382 Business Writing National Career Readiness Certificate
Each day employers receive stacks of applications for only a handful of open positions The NCRC means the same thing to every employer—it documents your skills NOW YOU KNOW…YOU HAVE GREAT SKILLS TO GET A GREAT JOB
So..just like the ACT College Entrance Exam, your certificate score means the same everywhere NOW YOU KNOW…You Have Great Skills to get a GREAT JOB
Job Specific Skills Occupational Skills WorkKeys Foundational Skills Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Learn in school Learn in career/tech ed., post-secondary Learn on the job/internship
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How Many Others Have Earned the NCRC?
Employers in Michigan who Recognize, Request or Require the NCRC
Great! Research says that everyone needs at least 1-2 years of college/post-secondary education in order to make a decent wage. Eventually, you will go to work– Isn’t the goal of college to get a great job? Over 65% of people age work AND go to school—so a better job will pay more when you do both But…I’m going to college. Why do I have to be Career Ready?
Show your NCRC to potential employers and come prepared to talk about your skills—let them know you understand they need employees with great skills Internships are a great way to gain experience, but competition can be tough. Let your potential internship site know you have an NCRC—and great skills Come prepared to any interview, proudly display your skills by showing your National Career Readiness Certificate But…I’m going to college. Why do I have to be Career Ready?
The NCRC has only been available to career seekers for about 2 years—it has been part of the MME since 2007 In our area, Capital Area Michigan Works! will be working with employers…you may have seen some information already Schools are committed to using the NCRC to demonstrate and document that students are “Career Ready” With the NCRC you can STAND OUT I haven’t heard much about this…Why?
I haven’t heard much about his…Why? Ads like these will be published in the greater Lansing Area
Great idea! – Employers can view your certificate online (once you give them your unique certificate number) What about using it on a resume?
ncrc/ ncrc/ Where can I get more information?