Notes: Introduction: Ask students what they know about Women’s History Month. Procedure: Have them brainstorm about some of the famous women in history. Create a list on the board for the students to see as they give names. Tell them we will be creating a 6x6 cube about one of the famous women on the board as well as successfully complete an Xtra-Normal Cartoon. Let them know they will have to come up with 3 facts, at least 1 picture, when and where the person was born, and what makes them a famous women in History. Students will use the internet, and books from library to complete their research. Closure: Students will gather information to prepare to begin projects. Animation (yes or no): Yes Text/Audio Narration: Step 1 let’s discuss when women’s history is. Step 2 we are going to brainstorm and list some famous women in history and look at photos of them. Step 3 we are going to go to the library and compile our findings on the women and put our cubes together. Step 4 and the final step we are going to go to and begin our cartoon using the information that we found on our famous women in history. Xtra-Normal screen will come in to allow students to see what their screens will look like when making their cartoons. Title: 21 st Century learning into the Special Education Curriculum PreTraining Activity Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 1 Skill or Concept: To use 21 st century skills to complete a project on famous woman in history When is Woman’s History Month? Brainstorm Woman in History(see list you created and pictures on next slide) Compile your research. Begin you put together your cube. Once your cubes are complete take the information and go to to begin your cartoon.
Notes: In this layout you will find the list that we created of Women in History along with their pictures beside their names so we can easily identify each of them. You will only need to choose one of these women to do your project on. I think this is a good choice of women in history now we will have to make sure we can make a connection to the things they have done to help us over the years or in present day. Animation (yes or no): yes Text/Audio Narration: At this stage students will pick the woman in history that they are choosing to research. We will go to the library for them to begin their research. Title: Women’s History Month Scene: Women that have made a difference in History Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no): no Slide number: 2 Skill or Concept: Researching woman in History Eunice Shiver Jackie Kennedy Michelle Obama Harriet Tubman Hillary Clinton Oprah Winfrey
Notes: In this slide you will see pictures of an actual 6x6 cube that I your teacher did on First Lady of the United States Mrs. Michelle Obama. I did this to give you an idea of how to layout your cube and examples of the types of facts you can find. Try to be as creative as possible make this cube your own. Use construction paper, glue, makers, etc. Animation (yes or no): Yes Text/Audio Narration: I have taken pictures of each side of the cube for you. Use the above pictures as a guide to how to set your cube up. The information or pictures do not have to cover the whole side of the cube. You can use makers to decorate around your information if you choose to do so. You have to be as creative as possible with this project. This is the stage where the students will take the information that they gathered and place it on cube using construction paper, glue, markers, or whatever else they chose to make it their own and be creative. Title: Women’s History Month Scene: Work example of what your 6x6 cube should look like Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 3 Skill or Concept: Researching woman in History Top View Front View Where and When she was born How she made History 3 Facts
Notes: I chose these two visuals so the students will be able to see an example of how their final product will look. With the Xtra- Normal visual it shows and example of an actual cartoon and how the person added in graphics and actions to the animation with words to make the animated characters tell the story. With the cube I chose one side to show how the students are to incorporate a photo of their person so when others view it they will have a visual of who the person is not just words. Animation (yes or no): yes Text/Audio Narration: Build your cube and do the layout for it before you plug your information into the xtra-normal cartoon to make sure that you are including all the information. Information needs to be plugged into the xtra-normal cartoon in conversational form so that it will tell the listener your story of your person. Title: Women’s History Visual aspect Scene: Visuals for text and graphics Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no): no Slide number: 3 Skill or Concept: Layout for cartoon and cubes The information you find on your woman in history will be plugged into a xtra-normal and into your cube. You will be able to break down the information on the cube and add different graphics into the cartoon to make the animated character talk to you. When you do this you will be telling the story of the person’s life through animation and through written text.
Notes: Her e I have incorporated visuals of what your Xtra-Normal may look like. With this you will be able to choose your virtual character, the setting for your cartoon, the camera angles, their facial expressions, and their tone of voice. This is going to help you tell the story of the woman’s life that you chose. Animation (yes or no): yes Text/Audio Narration: Students will listen to the directions of how to create the xtra-normal cartoon by listening to instructions from me on their school issued MP3 Player. Go to and look up movies on either Harriet Tubman or Rosa Parks that have been published for you to view. This will give you the audio and the visual that you will need to get started plugging in your information. Remember you have to really be creative and make this story your own with the information that you gather. Title: Women in History to Story of their lives Scene: Creating Audio and using Visuals Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no):yes Slide number: 4 Skill or Concept: Creating your Xtra-Normal
Notes: The learner will have complete control of this section. This is where they will be putting the final touches on their cubes as well as their Xtranormal websites. The learner will be evaluated by the use of a rubric to measure the level of the guidelines and requirements from the teacher. Exercises to be completed: 6x6 cubes with photos, and facts. Extranormal cartoon from to be published for review. How you will be graded on your completed assignment: Rubric created through : Animation (yes or no): yes Text/Audio Narration: You will need to make sure that all the components of your project are in your final product. I will use the above rubric to grade your final products. Title: Women in History Scene: Exercise and Practice Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no): no Slide number: 5 Skill or Concept: Build an Xtranormal and cube Category4321 Content Covers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent. Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good. Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors. Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors. Organization Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Content is logically organized for the most part. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. Originality Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights. Uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking. Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit. Requirements All requirements are met and exceeded. All requirements are met. One requirement was not completely met. More than one requirement was not completely met.