US Coast Guard Overview Hampton Roads AFCEA 1
US Coast Guard: Stats Workforce: AD, 7500 Reserves Assets: –Shore locations: 945 –Ships (>65’): 247 –Boats (<65’): 1850 –Aircraft: Budget: $9.7 Billion 2
3 “ We must be ready today while preparing for tomorrow.” Mission Execution. Building on two centuries of service, we will employ an all threats and all hazards approach to save lives and protect America today. And we will remain ready for tomorrow by anticipating and preparing for our nation’s vital homeland safety and security needs. People and Platforms. In our world of work that spans the globe, our multi- mission people and platforms must always be ready for the next big threat, whether it’s a hurricane, global pandemic, or terrorist attack. We will prepare for the unexpected by investing in the best training and support for our people, and equipping them with the most capable tools and technology to perform our missions successfully. Mission Support Systems. The Coast Guard’s versatility has never been more in demand than it is today. As we move forward, we will align our organization to better support our people, platforms and partnerships, while keeping our focus on protecting the American public. Coast Guard Commandant Thad W. Allen
CG Modernization: Upgrading the Way We Do Business 4 CG business processes must benchmark against best corporate practices Mission Execution is #1 priority. Support Systems (admin, finance, logistics, maintenance) must enable and enhance operational mission success. Lessons learned from internal/external studies, highlight need for Modernization: Gilbert Studies Integrated Operations Command Study/Sector Implementation Project 126 mini-studies, Logistics Transformation, Acquisition Reform Coast Guard Command and Control (C2) Study Coast Guard Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship 911 Commission, Hurricane Katrina After-Action Reports DHS Goals/Priorities, National Strategy for Maritime Security The Coast Guard Modernization will: Make our support systems more responsive to our operators Make our force structure more responsive to mission execution. Make our Coast Guard more responsive to our nation.
Key Benefits of Coast Guard Modernization 5 Stronger focus on the needs of our workforce. Optimizes overall operational Command and Control. Standardizes doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures. Enhances and unifies Mission Support systems. Significantly elevates support to the field and our Coast Guard Operators. Reduces layers of bureaucracy & operational friction. Develops life-cycle sustainment in Acquisitions. Bolsters Coast Guard/maritime stakeholder relations. Ultimately positions the Coast Guard for long-term successful mission execution.
US Coast Guard Missions Ports, Waterways & Coastal Security Drug Interdiction Aids To Navigation Search and Rescue Living Marine Resources Marine Safety Defense Readiness Migrant Interdiction Marine Environmental Protection Ice Operations Other Law Enforcement 9
TODAY’S C4IT ENVIRONMENT WIDE RANGE OF EXTERNAL PARTNERS FOR SAFETY, SECURITY, AND DEFENSE MISSIONS –Maritime Public –Maritime Industry –State Agencies –Local Agencies and Port Partners –DOD – Navy, NORTHCOM –Other Federal Agencies –Foreign Governments WIDE RANGE OF CG ASSETS –Sectors –Small Boats and Cutters –Aircraft –Large Cutters
USCG C4 Equipment A MIX OF OLD AND NEW LEGACY SYSTEMS –HF radio voice and data and systems –National Distress and Response System (NDRS) –Record Messaging Systems “STATE OF THE ART” SYSTEMS –COMMSATCOM and MILSATCOM data systems –Collaborative tools –Distributed Common Operational Picture –R21 and VHF Digital Selective Calling –HF Digital Selective Calling –Enterprise and DMS –Web-based Tools/Social Media
USCG VHF Comms (Rescue 21)
USCG Challenges Budget DHS – new administration COMDT Change Modernization Deepwater Rescue 21 OPCEN Standardization OPSEC Connectivity/Performance U/W DHS vs DOD Roles Interoperability 13
14 All Threats. All Hazards. Always Ready.. We are America’s Maritime Guardian.
Questions? CAPT Chris Alexander USCG Atlantic Area, Chief of Operational Communications and Security (LANT-36) LCDR Jim Forgy USCG Atlantic Area, Operational Communications and Security Division (LANT-36)