Persian Empire/ Israel September 30, 2013
Persian Empire Ruled by Darius I 500 B.C. – 20 provinces – Diversity (allow diff. language; customs; religions) – Treat conquered HUMANELY Governor in every province – (1) Collect taxes (2) Keep order Inspectors – Eyes and ears of Darius (report back) Road system – Main roads connect 4 capital cities – Relay system set up on main roads Horses used to quickly spread news & info Peace & good roads = INCREASE IN TRADE $$$$ Persians set up standard money/ coins Barter: Trade (used before coins) 334 BC: Alexander of Macedonia conquer Persian Empire New empire is MIX of Middle East & Greek Culture
Israel Hebrews (Jews) originate in Sinai Peninsula region Migrate to fertile crescent (Israel) 1025 B.C. Form Israel – Location causes invaders King Solomon – Built Jerusalem/ gold temples Tax heavily to pay – Discontent/ revolt – Exile conquered Hebrews Persian Empire allow back into Israel (500BC) – Then Greeks (334 BC)… – Then Romans (115 AD)… 70 A.D. – Revolted against Romans Many Jews killed/ survivors forced out Religion/ tradition preserved 1948: officially became country