Aero Week 8 Updates Robbie McNally DAS & FPV
Budget Awarded $378 for SRG which is now available on a credit card
Research Found datasheets for Duck antennas Found alternatives for FPV and DAS 5.8GHz Cloverleaf 900MHz Mad Mushroom/Airscrew Met with Professor Hedrick about Radio Link Budget Have questions for SAE Rules Forum 1 Typo and 2 Claifications Started looking into Arduino Servo Library
Soldering… Created DC wall adapter to power FPV receiver for testing Created charging cable for LiPo battery Soldered stackable headers on all Arduino Shields Solder Arduino barrel adapter to accept LiPo battery for testing
Data Acquisition System Setup Configured Xbee transmitter and receiver: Assigned same network ID Set destination and source fields Transmitted sample data (incrementing loop) to test connection Transmitted data from Arduino serial monitor to XCTU console and vice versa Reads data from MPL3115A2 every 315ms and transmits to Xbee dongle XCTU includes console viewer where I can read and log data
DAS Testing – Full spreadsheets on Drive Range Testing: Stopped receiving data at ~500ft on Seward Possibly test tomorrow in a plane Will need different antenna or transmitter/receiver with more power Researching options and talking to Professor Hedrick Accuracy Testing up to 30 ft
FPV System Testing Receiver Power Source: 12V DC Wall 300 mA Transmitter Power Source: 11.1V 3S 2200mAh LiPo Tested range on Seward Place and across Richmond Quad 1 st Test: Standard 5.8GHz Duck Antenna – Came with System 2 nd Test: 5.8GHz Cloverleaf Antenna – Borrowed from Blair Only tested both antennas to 1500 ft – ran out of LoS Cloverleaf antennas had clearer picture – less interference in analog signal Pair only costs $10-25 worth the investment
5.8 GHz FPV Testing Results View from 100ft (Slightly out of focus) Webster from 1500ft Receiver on porch Transmitter walked down Seward Place LoS up to ~900ft Quality loss when Russo was directly between Tx/Rx
Next week… Meet with Professor Hedrick about antennas Go to field with Al and fly DAS if possible Calculate battery capacity needed and decide on battery system 1 for FPV Transmitter, 1 for DAS, and 1 for Receiver at Ground Station Move Servos wirelessly with XBees Possibly start working on Airspeed sensors if servos go smoothly