AlpArray Magnetotelluric MT Group at the GFZ 12E swath meeting, 18. Juli , 11:00 - 17:00
Field Setups Three-dimensional electrical conductivity structure of the entire Alps using MT array data High-resolution electrical conductivity images of the Periadriactic Fault system (12E Swath) We spitted our experiment into two field stepups: 1- A coarser station layout covering the entire Alps to drive a 3D regional image of the subsurafce electrical conductivities. 2- A higher resolution field setup focusing on the Periadriactic Fault system.
Regional Scale Total Cost: 660k€ Key points: Collaboration: - Field experiment 150k€ - 1 PostDoc (36 PM, TvÖD13) 225k€ - 1 PhD (36 PM, TvÖD13, 75%) 169k€ - 4 Student helper (36PM) 56k€ - Travel 60k€. Key points: Imaging lower crust uppermost mantle: Transition from the western to the eastern Alps. Active and fossil fault systems. Provide boundary values for further localized MT experiments. Collaboration: U. Cologne: B. Tezkan FU Berlin: H. Brasse U. Frankfurt: A. Junge U. Münster: M. Becken U. Oulu: T. Korja U. Barcelona: J. Pous Czech A. Science: J. Pek U. Leicester: M. Moorkamp ETH Zurich: A. Kuvshinov CNR – IGG: Adele Manzella A map showing the coarse field setup. We are planning to cover an area of ~ 500^2 km. We are trying to address structures related to the lower crust and uppermost mantle. We are trying to engage national and international EM expertise in colleting and interpreting the MT data. In broader perspective Field Setup: - ~ 160 sites, 40-50 km site spacing Long period data recording time ~ 1 month. Instruments National German Instrument Pool (GIPP-MT)
Local Scale Key points: Total cost: 313k€ Imaging crustal structures including: Shear zones: possible pathways for mantle fluids, active and fossil fault systems, the boundary between the European and Adriatic plates. - ~ 2 km km site spacing Broad Band data recording time 3-4 days. The duration of the field experiment: 6-8 weeks. On the local scale we will focus on the eastern part of the Alps. With the dense sites along the profile we are aiming to expose the electrical conductivies of the upper and middle crust. In particular shear zones in the lower crust at the contact of the Adriatic and the European plate. Define the boundary between the European and Adriatic plates. Total cost: 313k€ - Field experiment 100k€ - 1 PhD (36 PM, TvÖD13, 75%) 169k€ - 1 Student helper (36PM, 40h/month) 14k€ - Travel 30k€. Personal: Mainly the GFZ MT working group
Thank You
USArray-MT CVA: Cascade volcanic arc; NBR: Northern Basin and Range; SRP: Snake River Plain; YS: Yellowstone; GFTZ: Great Falls Tectonic Zone; CB: Cheyenne Belt; CRP: Columbia River Plateau; MHB: Medicine Hat Block; CP: Colorado Plateau; VS: Vulcan Suture; BA1: Back arc upwelling. White dashed line represents the outline of Siletzia embayment as imaged by Humphreys (2008) and Gao et al. (2011)
USArray-MT: Typical cross-section Subduction system Cratonic stabile zone Active zone Meqbel et al. (2013, in review)