Iowa Civil Rights Commission Disclaimer The information contained in this presentation is a brief overview and should not be construed as legal advice or exhaustive coverage of the topic.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE IOWA CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE IOWA CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION A state administrative agency which enforces the Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965, also known as Chapter A state administrative agency which enforces the Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965, also known as Chapter 216 the Iowa Code 216 the Iowa Code
OUR VISION OUR VISION A State free of Discrimination A State free of Discrimination
OUR MISSION Our mission is to enforce civil rights through Compliance, Mediation, Advocacy and Education. Our mission is to enforce civil rights through Compliance, Mediation, Advocacy and Education.
AREAS AREAS b Employment b Housing b Credit b Public Accommodations b Education
PROTECTED PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS PROTECTED PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS b Race b Color b Creed b National Origin b Religion b Sex b Pregnancy b Physical Disability b Mental Disability (not in Credit) b Age ( in Employment and Credit only ) b Familial Status ( in Housing and Credit only ) b Marital Status ( in Credit only ) b Retaliation
WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? The act of giving unequal treatment to an individual or group of people because they are members of a certain culture or race, or because of other differences. Persons are denied equal opportunities because of their differences. The act of giving unequal treatment to an individual or group of people because they are members of a certain culture or race, or because of other differences. Persons are denied equal opportunities because of their differences.
ATTITUDES TOWARDS DIFFERENCES ATTITUDES TOWARDS DIFFERENCES Where do they come from ? Where do they come from ? Family Family Friends Friends Community Community Television, Films and other media Television, Films and other media
STEREOTYPE STEREOTYPE A misconception about an individual or group, based on the belief that all people in a certain group will act the same way. A misconception about an individual or group, based on the belief that all people in a certain group will act the same way. Example: “All…………are lazy.” Example: “All…………are lazy.”
PREJUDICE PREJUDICE b An irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion b Making up your mind about what a person or group is like before you get to know them.
WHAT IS CULTURE ? WHAT IS CULTURE ? Culture is a shared set of belief systems, values, practices and assumptions which determine how people interact with each other and interpret the world. Culture is a shared set of belief systems, values, practices and assumptions which determine how people interact with each other and interpret the world.
WHAT IS CULTURE ? WHAT IS CULTURE ? The learned behavior, customs and way of life of a group of people The learned behavior, customs and way of life of a group of people
DIVERSITY DIVERSITY b All the ways that we are similar and different b The differences that make us each unique b Recognizing the differences until the differences don’t make a difference anymore.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT DISCRIMINATION b Know yourself and your own culture. b Examine your own attitudes towards people who are different from you. b Try to identify the origin of your negative reaction toward differences.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT DISCRIMINATION b Decide if your biases are getting in the way. b Be willing to talk, listen and learn. b Speak out against insensitive remarks and discriminatory behavior.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT DISCRIMINATION WHAT YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT DISCRIMINATION b Be aware of the subtleties of discrimination. b Be aware of how discrimination hurts and who it hurts. b Act as a role model.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT DISCRIMINATION b Take action when appropriate and address discriminatory behavior. b Continue to respect, accept and appreciate differences. b Promote diversity appreciation in your community.
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 211 East Maple Street, 2nd Floor Des Moines, Iowa (toll free) fax: website: