ISKCON Hawaii Thursday, 2015 Dec 10th Hanumat-presaka Swami ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
3.8.8 sāńkhyāyanaḥ pāramahaḿsya-mukhyo vivakṣamāṇo bhagavad-vibhūtīḥ jagāda so 'smad-gurave 'nvitāya parāśarāyātha bṛhaspateś ca 2
jagādajagāda— explained; saḥsaḥ — he; asmatasmat — of me; guravegurave — unto the spiritual master; anvitāyaanvitāya — followed; parāśarāyaparāśarāya — unto the sageParāśara; athaatha bṛhaspateḥ ca — also to Bṛhaspati.bṛhaspateḥca 3 sāńkhyāyanaḥsāńkhyāyanaḥ — the great sage Sāńkhyāyana; pāramahaḿsyapāramahaḿsya- mukhyaḥmukhyaḥ — the chief of all transcendentalists; vivakṣamāṇaḥvivakṣamāṇaḥ — while reciting; bhagavatbhagavat-vibhūtīḥ — the glories of the Lord; vibhūtīḥ jagādajagāda— explained
4 TRANSLATION The great sage Sāńkhyāyana was the chief amongst the transcendentalists, and when he was describing the glories of the Lord in terms of Śrīmad- Bhāgavatam, it so happened that my spiritual master, Parāśara, and Bṛhaspati both heard him.
3.8.9 provāca mahyaḿ sa dayālur ukto muniḥ pulastyena purāṇam ādyam so 'haḿ tavaitat kathayāmi vatsa śraddhālave nityam anuvratāya 5
saḥsaḥ aham — that also I; aham tavatava — unto you; etatetat — this; kathayāmikathayāmi — shall speak; vatsavatsa — my dear son; śraddhālaveśraddhālave— unto one who is faithful; nityamnityam — always; anuvratāyaanuvratāya — unto one who is a follower. 6 provācaprovāca — said; mahyammahyam — unto me; saḥsaḥ— he; dayāluḥdayāluḥ — kindhearted; uktaḥuktaḥ — aforementioned; muniḥmuniḥ — sage; pulastyenapulastyena — by the sage Pulastya; purāṇampurāṇam ādyam — the foremost of all the Purāṇas;ādyam
7 TRANSLATION The great sage Parāśara, as aforementioned, being so advised by the great sage Pulastya, spoke unto me the foremost of the Purāṇas [Bhāgavatam]. I shall also describe this before you, my dear son, in terms of my hearing, because you are always my faithful follower.
8 TRANSLATION The great sage Parāśara, as aforementioned, being so advised by the great sage Pulastya, spoke unto me the foremost of the Purāṇas [Bhāgavatam]. I shall also describe this before you, my dear son, in terms of my hearing, because you are always my faithful follower. Parāśara having stopped the sacrifice, Pulastya, the father of the demons, appreciated his brahminical temperament and gave the blessing that in the future he would be a great speaker on the Vedic literatures called the Purāṇas, the supplements of the Vedas.
9 Parāśara's action was appreciated by Pulastya because Parāśara had forgiven the demons out of his brahminical power of forgiveness. Parāśara was able to demolish all the demons in the sacrifice, but he considered, "Demons are so made that they devour living creatures, men and animals, but why on that account should I withdraw my brahminical qualification of forgiveness?"
10 As the great speaker of the Purāṇas, Parāśara first of all spoke on the Śrīmad-Bhāgavata Purāṇa because it is the foremost of all the Purāṇas. Maitreya Muni desired to narrate the same Bhāgavatam be had heard from Parāśara, and Vidura was qualified to hear it because of his faithfulness and his following the instructions received from superiors. So Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam was being narrated from time immemorial by the disciplic succession, even before the time of Vyāsadeva. The so-called historians calculate the Purāṇas to be only a few hundred years old, but factually the Purāṇas existed from time immemorial, before all historical calculations by the mundaners and speculative philosophers.
11 The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore Bopadeva By Swami Harshananda The Sanskrit language has a long history and a rich heritage. One of the innumerable writers who have contributed to its grammar and literature is Bopadeva (also spelt as Vopadeva or Hopadeva). He was the son of Keśava and a disciple of Dhaneśa. He lived in Berar, in the 13th century. Bopadeva adorned the court of the king Mahādeva of Devagiri as the chief poet. The works attributed to him are:deva Muktāphala, Harilīlāvivarana, Sataśloki, Mugdhabodha, Kavikalpadruma. Mugdhabodha is an extremely popular primer of Sanskrit grammar. Kavikalpadruma deals with the dhātus or verbal roots. The authorship of the most popular purā ṇ a, the Bhāgavata, is sometimes attributed to him, though available evidence seems to weigh heavily against this theory. a
12 The Date and Provenance of the Bhagavata Purana, Prof. Edwin Francis Bryant Edwin Francis Bryant is an American Indologist. Currently, he is professor of religions of India at Rutgers University
13 Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. In Vedic literature and epics of Hinduism, Ksama or Kshyama (Sanskrit: क्षमा ) and fusion words based on it, describe the concept of forgiveness… The theological basis for forgiveness in Hinduism is that a person who does not forgive carries a baggage of memories of the wrong, of negative feelings, of anger and unresolved emotions that affect his or her present as well as future… Forgiveness is virtue; forgiveness is sacrifice; forgiveness is the Vedas; forgiveness is the Shruti. Forgiveness protecteth the ascetic merit of the future; forgiveness is asceticism; forgiveness is holiness; and by forgiveness is it that the universe is held together. Mahabharata, Book 3, Vana Parva, Section XXIX