Sea Salt comes from the Sea Shore, as She Should. But how can Soil Dust come from the South?
VT Soil Peaks in Spring; NJ Soil Peaks in Summer. VT shows lower means and a secondary July Peak if a 5-month period of heavy local construction/traffic on dirt access road is removed But Brigantine Soil Wind Rose is Very Illogical (South?) …or is it?
Occasional Soil Dust Spikes hit Brigantine a few times every Summer (July) and Always correspond with (much) Higher soil spikes to the Southeast... Time Series of Soil Dust Impacts at Brigantine
Soil Mass > 3 ug/m3 & Al:Ca Ratio > 3.8 are considered indicators of Sahara Dust. At Brigantine, there’s no relation between Soil Mass and Al:Ca ratio, until that ratio exceeds 3.8, after which soil increases as Al:Ca increases. Brigantine Trajectories on High Soil, High Al:Ca days are also quite consistent with occasional hits from Sahara dust events.
Highest Modeled Soil Day at Underhill (outside 5-month local construction period) occurred 1 week later on 7/7/93. It met 3 “chemical tests” for Sahara Dust: Soil > 3, Al:Ca > 4, Al:Si > 0.4 Husar (2002) identified Sahara Dust Impact on Gulf Coast on 6/30/93 from High Regional concentrations (> 60 ug/m3) of PM-10.
Even in VT - Highest Soil Impact (with Al:Ca ratio of 5) on 7/7/93. Husar analysis of regional PM-10 episodes had indicated a major Sahara Dust event on Gulf Coast on 6/30/93. A week later...
Sea Salt & Windblown Dust are both “contaminated” by NO3 & SO4 (How would we calculate Extinction Efficiencies for these Mixtures?) …and who do we Blame for the associated Visibility effects?
From Battelle UNMIX results, These “Dust” sources typically account for: 70% of Si, 80% of Al & 15% of SO4, at these 5 sites And SO4 contributes about 1/3 of the PM-2.5 Mass of these Dust sources at these 5 sites