Georgia Department of Human Services Insert Presentation Name Presenter: Presentation to: Date: Georgia Department of Human Services Georgia Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) Presenter: Tanguler Gray, Child Support Director Presentation to: DHS Board Members Date: December 9, 2015
2 Vision, Mission and Core Values Vision Stronger Families for a Stronger Georgia. Mission Strengthen Georgia by providing Individuals and Families access to services that promote self-sufficiency, independence, and protect Georgia's vulnerable children and adults. Core Values Provide access to resources that offer support and empower Georgians and their families. Deliver services professionally and treat all clients with dignity and respect. Manage business operations effectively and efficiently by aligning resources across the agency. Promote accountability, transparency and quality in all services we deliver and programs we administer. Develop our employees at all levels of the agency.
3 Table of Contents FFY16 Presidential & Program PrioritiesSlide 4 Customer FocusSlide 5 Employee SupportSlide 6 Systems and AutomationSlide 7 Federal and State RequirementsSlide 8 QuestionsSlide 9
DCSS Priorities 4 PRESIDENTIAL 1. Increase Performance Indicators 2. Improve Data Reliability 3. Increase Employee Support PROGRAM 1. Increased automation 2. Changes in the driver's license process 3. Account charging analysis 4. Re-evaluation certified payments 5. Improving access and productivity for Data Warehouse
Customer Focus = Increased Program Performance 5 Customer Online Service (COS) Rebranding Customer online service (COS) web pages in support of rebranding will be modified/re- designed to make it more informative and user- friendly in order to reduce walk in traffic and to increase self-service options. QMATIC Goal is to reduce the wait time when customers are in the three Atlanta Metro area offices - Fulton, Macon, and DeKalb. It will utilize an application that monitors and tracks customer queuing. Mobile App This project will enable DHS customers to access their case information, reduce walk-in traffic, make child support payments, and apply for Outreach programs from their smart phones. Employer Database This project will be implemented to increase number of federal income withholding payments resulting in improved program performance.
Employee Support = Improved Data Reliability 6 Driver's License Changes Phase II Develop an automated process based on statewide changes implemented 4/1/5 whereby the system will calculate settlement options for employees. Also automated review and removal of Driver’s License Overrides. Both changes will lessen the need for manual user intervention. Emancipation Programming Changes Develop an automated process whereby criteria are established for automated review and case management processing of cases as children reach their emancipation date. Example – New Jersey. Child Data Changes Phase II (Intake) Phase II of the Child Data project includes changes to on-line screens and report revisions. The daily interface between DCSS and Vital Records will be updated to Web Services technology. This enhancement will limit manual user intervention and will provide more accurate federal reporting.
Systems and Automation = Customer and Employee Focused 7 Data Warehouse Server Consolidation Developing various reports to improve case management efficiency. Will include improved drill down capabilities, new Parental Accountability Court reporting, Fatherhood reporting, and new dashboards and graphs to improve usability. Electronic Income Withholding Phase II to enhance the tracking of federal income withholdings and reporting. Required infrastructure changes to accommodate secure file transfer and a new web server. State Board of Pardons and Parole Automated Interface Interface with State Pardons & Parole to receive parole information for parents ordered to pay child support. Also develop report for Parental Accountability Court that provides data regarding court ordered parents who are not making payments and are in the prison system and/or on probation or parole. The information will be provided to DCSS weekly.
Federal and State Requirements = Improving Access and Productivity 8 Federal Portal (SSP QUICK Implementation) QUICK is an electronic communication tool used by Child Support agencies to improve the quality and timeliness of intergovernmental case processing and customer service responses. Phase I, retrieving info from other states Phase II, providing financial information to other states Phase III, develop and implement case management module. ICR 16 The purpose of the Annual ICR project is to stay in sequence with Federal Interstate Guidelines.. The project goal is for the system to make the correct decisions on each case to insure a successful outcome when interfacing with the federal file Genetic testing Changes to the system to incorporate legislative changes.
Conclusion 9 Questions?