З досвіду роботи вчителів англійської мови Артемівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 18 Артемівської міської ради Донецької області Осолодкової О.М., Хорошковаса.


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Presentation transcript:

З досвіду роботи вчителів англійської мови Артемівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 18 Артемівської міської ради Донецької області Осолодкової О.М., Хорошковаса І.

Aim of the lesson To know more about the endeavour of UNESCO for protecting the environments. To know more about History, Geography and Culture of Canada. To improve our reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. To form sociocultural competence.

Reading / Writing Read the UNESCO information about the world heritage sites in Canada. Make a list of natural and cultural sites in Canada.

A list of sites in Canada. Natural Kluane National park Nahanni National park Cultural Cross Morne National park L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Park

Geography of Canada

From the History of Canada


Listening Listen to the conversation between two Canadians talking about places of interest and correct the errors in the statements, p. 142.

Keys. 1. South. 2. The most heavily. 3. New Orleans. 4. Niagara-on-the-lake. 5. Province. 6. The lake in Manitoba.

From the cultural life of Canada

Home assignment To find more information in the Internet about Canada.

Analyze the aim of the lesson To know more about the endeavor of UNESCO for protecting the environments. To know more about History, Geography and Culture of Canada. To practice in reading, speaking, listening and writing. To form sociocultural competence.

Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day!