GE 101 Week #2—Agenda & Links
Are you registered in our website? Better do it now! select login, then become a member; Create login info, and press continue; Complete and save profile Select classroom from top menu; from side menu, select join class. Use these codes : –For GE 101A—Class ID =62399; Access Code = GE101GREEN; Student ID = Your AI student ID # –For GE 101G—Class ID =62400; Access Code = GE101GREENG; Student ID = Your AI student ID # Better do it now! select login, then become a member; Create login info, and press continue; Complete and save profile Select classroom from top menu; from side menu, select join class. Use these codes : –For GE 101A—Class ID =62399; Access Code = GE101GREEN; Student ID = Your AI student ID # –For GE 101G—Class ID =62400; Access Code = GE101GREENG; Student ID = Your AI student ID #
Grammar Review To hand in: Complete p. 430, ex 17K; p , ex 17L
Grammar point—Chapter 18 Combining sentences Coordinating Conjunctions Other Connecting Words
Coordinating Conjunctions [p.435-6] For And Nor But Or Yet So FANBOYS
PRACTICE Page 437, ex 18b Page 437-8, ex 18c Submit these to the teacher via if you are in the computer room now, or by hand, if you are in our classroom.
Transitional Words—Conjunctive Adverbs [p. 439] Logic/To:Add these words Add ideasalso, besides, furthermore, moreover, in fact, in addition Order ideas in timefinally, hence, then Emphasizecertainly, actually Show contrasthowever, nevertheless Show similaritysimilarly Draw conclusions or show results consequently, therefore, thus, then, of course, as a result, unfortunately
PRACTICE Page 441-2, ex 18g these to the teacher through the website or submit by hand if we are in our classroom.
The Power of Narrative Link to Narration Notes: -- Click on “Modes of Exposition,” then “Narrative” --How important is a powerful narrative? Link to Urban Legend: --The power of a story +crying+game&oref=slogin
Chapter Two—The Writing Process Words, Paragraphs, Essays Five Steps: Step 1—Developing a Topic [p. 33] Step 2—Thinking about your audience [p. 36] Step 3—Developing ideas [p. 38] Step 4—Organizing ideas by writing a thesis & outline [p. 43] Step 5—Drafting and Revising Essays Step 6—Submitting Essays (Checklist—title page format; page numbers; double space; paragraphing; the narrative essay rubric)—NOT IN BOOK!
Doe 1 Title Page MLA Format for Assignments Jane Doe Instructor Deborah Greenhut GE 101 Section [A/G] [28/31 January 2007] Funny Story: My First Day at School Ever hear the one about the traveling salesman? Neither did I! But one day, when I Came home from school… 6 spaces Double space Center Indent 6 spaces Your last name & page #
Practice Exercises Ex. 3a—pp Review sample on page 35 –Review your own journals –P. 511, Appendices A&B P. 37—Audience Ex. 3d—pp Ex. 3f--p.38 Ex. 3g & 3h—pp ; make your own wheel; then, make a list as on p. 42; then amplify, as on p. 43 Ex 3j—p Methods of development: chronology (p. 48); spatial (p.49); order of important (p. 50) Read Doug’s essay, p. 52; compare with p. 56, after his editing and proofing Begin draft of narrative essay.
Things to remember Choose first or third person, and remain consistent! Make sure you have a purpose in telling the story Limit the timeframe/Know your beginning and ending event Use flashbacks/flash-forwards for drama Use at least one line of dialogue Proofread
Reminders Check syllabus for homework Keep working on your journals even though there is no class Review Chapters for grammar quiz during Week 4/Note: if you are in Section A, quiz will cover only Chapters 17 & 18